34| Don't Give It Up For Me

199 8 14

Claudia POV

"There she is! The women of the hour!" George all but shouts making his way toward me. As promised, the great hall was decorated up in Gryffindor banners and all red and gold foods. It was truly something else. Cherries, strawberries and red velvet cakes lined the snack table with champagne with glasses rimmed with edible gold dust. The Weasleys has truly outdone themselves. 

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't believe that Molly and Fleur would have done this good of a job if Slytherin had won. 

I had enjoyed deciding what to wear tonight. Seeing as I 'saved the game' I had to dress up in Gryffindor colors to show that I was a part of the team. It was fun, but the thing that wouldn't leave my mind was the kiss between Charlie and I. 

"How did it feel to not only play Quidditch, but win?" 

I smirk. "Almost as fun as Cash's reaction when he looked in the mirror and realized that he was bald." George laughed, and gave me a handshake that drug our palms across each others and ended in a fist bump. "That was cool." He tells me. "You should get together with Fred and I sometime." He seems to think about it for a moment. "You know what? If you don't have anything planned this weekend, come down to our shop in Hogsmeade. We'll hook you up." George looks at me quite mischievously. "That is, if Charlie hasn't yet." I blush deeply and smack his arm, as he laughs at my expression. 

"Not cool, Georgie. Not cool." Charlie says from behind him. He comes bearing two drinks. One I presume is for me. Though his words say one thing, his face says another. An amused grin has worked it's way onto his face. 

George chuckles and walks off into the crowd. For a while we just  stand there people watching in silence. Not an awkward uncomfortable silence, this one felt right. 

The clinking of glasses drew our attention away from the party. "Excuse me!" Aunt Minerva said from the front of the room. "If I could have everyone's attention, I have an important announcement to make!" When the last of the murmurers had quieted down she spoke. "As of yesterday, the minister of magic has decided that all beast handlers will have a choice. Now listen very carefully, because it impacts your future. I would like all beast handlers to make their way to the front, if you would please!" 

Charlie and I look at each other confused for a moment before we start moving. The crowd parts and we make our way through. Standing in the front I recognize a few of my fellow tamers. Cash for one stands right beside Charlie and I. 

I spot Taylor on the outskirts of the crowd and don't object when Charlie pulls me closer to him.

"Your two options," she says, "are to continue the full year as you had already planned to do and earn your new license, or you may only spent a semester here at Hogwarts." I feel Charlie's curiosity as soon as the words leave her mouth. "If you choose to do so, however, you will still only be qualified to continue on with your life as you have been. With a few exceptions. I will be pulling handlers into my office within the next week to discuss your options and make a set plan." She takes a breath. 

"Which leads us to our next announcement. We will be holding a Halloween ball, on October thirty-first. Dance classes will be available the week of the twenty-third for anyone who would like to attend. That is all. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your night." 

My throat is dry when she finishes talking. I had expected to be with these people for the rest of the year. I had expected to be with Charlie for the rest of the year. Now there is a possibility that he will walk out of these doors and not look back. 

No. It's more than a possibility. 

I know that Charlie wants to be in Romania. That he never truly wanted to come back to begin with. Now with the option in front of his face, I know what he will choose. 

I glance at Charlie. His expression is unreadable, and he doesn't even cast me the slightest acknowledgment. In one fast movement I turn on my heels and make my way back through the crowd. He sucks in a breath when I'm about two feet away. 

"Claudia, wait!" But I keep walking. I push my way through people, and I hear Charlie following me and apologizing to those that I may have shoved to hard. I disappear down the tunnel that I know so well. The one that leads to the Slytherin tower. I hadn't realized that the possibility of him leaving would hurt me as much as it does.


I stop, but I don't turn. I can't let him see the emotions that I know are so clearly written on my face. I won't be the thing that holds him back. "What?" I don't yell. I can't. Instead, I say it as calm as I can, masking my emotions. 

"We can talk about our options. Claudia we can make this work." I swallow. "Probably." I agree. "But we aren't going to." I keep my eyes trained on the wall in front of me. 

"What do you mean?"

"You love Romania, Charlie. Don't give it up for me. I won't let you." 

"Romania can wait." He pleads with me up I look up at the ceiling. "Don't do this, Charlie. Don't give up your dreams for me." Finally when I think that I have myself under control I turn to face him. "You never wanted to come back in the first place. I know you didn't, Charlie. Just like I know that you want to go back as soon as possible. So go."

"You want me to go?" He looks broken in this moment, and I hate that, but it's better for the long run. 

"I want you to be happy, and if that means that you leave me. Then yes." My voice wavers and cracks, so I make my break for it and walk until I've pasted him and I've turned back into the great hall. 

When I come out of the tunnel I see that the entire Weasley family along with Cash, Draco and Hermione were standing there listening the whole time. With tears pouring down my face I rush past them and out of the great hall. I don't stop until I've reached my bed, and I sob into my pillow. 

Why? I ask myself, Did I have to fall in love with the one person who can break me even farther. 

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