26| Stay

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Claudia's POV

I sat in the Slytherin common room for hours, but Blaise never showed up with a written letter for Lacey. I had half a mind to go back up and drag him to a quill and parchment, but by the time I got out of a conversation with Draco I was ready to leave. 

"We should have a party tonight." Draco had said. "Are you out of your mind?" Hermione asked in a flat tone. 

"No, we've gone over this my mind was never really there." She rolled her eyes, and I laughed. "I'm with Hermione though. Today is Sunday, and we have classes tomorrow morning." 

Draco had seemed to think on this for a moment before looking between the two of us. "So, here's my one offer. No party tonight, but," I knew there would be a but. "I'm throwing one in the Slytherin common room on Saturday night and your both going to be there. Take it or leave it." Hermione and I simultaneously groaned. 

Together the two of us tag teamed Draco, and glared with all of our might. His only response was to stare at the fire with a smirk on his face. "Oh, and you have to let me pick who dresses you." 

Suddenly my eyes widen. Hermione closes her eyes and it seems like she's counting before she sits up and whispers something in Draco's ear. His eyes widened, and I tried not to snicker. Draco turned his head toward Hermione silently asking if she was serious. She nods, and he sucks in a sharp breath. 

"Hermione gets to dress herself." 

I groan. "That's no fair Draco. I don't get to, nor want to, make those promises to you. That's just disgusting." 

"Agreed. But unless you can think of something else by Thursday, you're not dressing yourself." I roll my eyes. "Fine. But I'm not going to stop thinking about it." 

I stood to leave, then stopped. "Just please, don't make me look like a slut." 

I was glad to see Draco shutter. "I may be the devil himself, but I'm also your godbrother and I don't want to see that." 

After that I had left and found myself down by the lake. I sat alone and watched the waves. It was a strange thing that such a small body of water would have such big waves, but that was just Hogwarts for you, it seemed. 

I picked a rock out of the sand and threw it into the water. It felt good to be alone and just think. No obligations or requirements. I silently cursed to myself when I heard footsteps behind me. 

Charlie came to a stop, and stood next to me for a moment, not saying a word. I could feel him look at me as I watched the water. After a moment, he sat down next to me and looked at the lake too. 

It was peaceful. He didn't utter a word, just sat with me and gave me time to think. Soon, I found myself lying my head on his shoulder. I felt his head rest on top of mine, and his arm curl around my body, but still, neither of us spoke. 


Charlie's POV

I had been walking back from the cave when I saw her. Seeing as Claudia checked on our eggs yesterday, it was my turn. I didn't realized it was her at first, but even at a distance I recognized the dark red hair that wisped around her head. 

As I got closer to her, she stayed watching the water occasionally throwing rocks in. If there was one thing I had learned in the past week though, it's that when Claudia comes to the lake it's because she has something on her mind. So, when I reached her I didn't speak.

I looked at her for a moment, but her facial expression told me she wanted quiet, so that's what I gave her. I sat down side by side with her, close enough to let her know I was there, but still silent. 

Eventually, she laid her head on my shoulder and I placed my head on hers, and my arm around her body, holding her to me, silently telling her that I understood, and that everything was going to be okay. 

If only I had known then that this single moment would have been what mattered most. The one chance I didn't even know that I wanted, to be what Claudia needed. I would have done everything the exact same way. 

The two of us sat there, staring at the water for quite some time. We were still there, when the sun had set. Nobody came to look for us for dinner of for curfew, and we didn't even attempt to make it inside. 

In the pitch black, Claudia laid down on the sand, and placed her hands across her stomach. I made a move, and her arm jutted out. Her hand grabbed mine before I could get up. "Stay." Was all she said, and I laid down next to her. 

Our focus switched from the water to the stars as we laid there. "Charlie?" Her sleepy voice said. "Yes, love?" 

"Thank you." I turned my head to look at her, and found that she was already turned toward me. "For what?" Her eyes searched mine. 

"For being here. For not talking. For everything." Her head turned back to the stars, but I found myself watching her for a moment longer. "Anytime." I said, and truly meant it. 


"I like you." I nearly laughed at the contrast between now and the last time we went through this same thing, but I didn't because I heard her breathing go even, announcing that she had fallen asleep, and she curled against me, placing her head on my chest. I stayed still for a bit until I tilted my head down and kissed her mess of curls before wrapping my arms around her and holding on to her and finding sleep myself. 

I didn't wish for a dream because my real life was much better. 

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