9| Full Of Apologies

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The great hall had been normal looking earlier in the day, but now it's covered is decoration. The staff must have worked their hands to the bone, getting things ready for us. The long tables have all been moved and small circular ones have replaced them.

There is a large chandelier in the middle of the room, creating the perfect lighting. Many girls are looking around the room for their dates. Everyone had wished to meet their date in his/her common room, but men had to be in the great hall ahead of the women.

"May I have this dance?" I turn slightly to my left and find a boy with pure black hair, looking at me. "Of course." I tell the stranger.

He takes my hand as we walk onto the floor. The music is soft and classical. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other stays in my hand. "What is your name, sir?" I ask, while we sway to the music.

"Taylor Miller, I know not a very wizardry name. I'm a muggle born." I look into his eyes. They are a sharp blue. "And yours?"

"Claudia Snape, my name is rather witchy don't you think. I'm a pureblood." I mock him. Silently we dance, for a while until he breaks it. "What was it like living at Hogwarts your entire life?"

"Well, I never knew a difference. This was my home. I lived here before I went to school here. I never questioned if I was like everyone else until I became a student here, and people started asking me the same question. Everyone wanted a piece of my life. In second year, I started hanging out with the Slytherin's, they became my family. I guess I never once considered that I might not be one of them. It's nice though having a piece of my mother."

"Your mother?"

"Doesn't matter." I pull away. I didn't mean to let that slip, nor am I ready to talk about it. When the song ends I flee to the other side of the room, and find myself standing next to Arthur Weasley.

"Hello, Claudia." He says. I nod in greeting.

For the first time I notice that instead of the usual starry night, the ceiling has been made into a mirror. I can see everyone reflected back. My green dress looks magnificent under the lighting of the room. "I'm sorry, Professor." I say.

"What for, dear?"

"I didn't mean to sound so rude yesterday, sir. It's just, you know. I've never really met my mother." He nods. "I understand dear, I was just telling Molly the same thing. I shouldn't have pressed it." He gives me a genuine smile, and I have to ask. "Sir, just about how many Weasley's know who my mother is?"

He gives me a look that tells me that tells me he was expecting this question. "Well, My wife and I know. Bill knows, I'm not sure is his wife does. Both of my twins know, and I think Georges wife does, but unless you have told someone, nobody else does."

I take a breath. "Charlie knows." His face is pure surprise. "Your son is surprisingly easy to get along with. I would consider him my best friend, and I only met him yesterday." I pat his arm, "If you would excuse me, I have an interrogation to attend. But, tonight, think. Talk to your wife, and think of how you have raised your children. You have done a splendid job. Don't forget to treat yourselves too."

I walk off to find the man I am looking for. When I find him, I tap his partner on the shoulder. "Ginny?" She breaks from Harry and looks at me. "Do you mind if I cut in?"

She smiles at me, "Not at all." If I had looked away then, I wouldn't have noticed the look she gave her boyfriend, but I did. It said, Behave.

For a moment we dance stiffly, and I catch a few people watching to see if either one of us will need rescuing, all of whom have ginger red hair. "If I may, why do you dislike me, so much?" I ask the boy who lived.

His grip loosens as he relaxes. I almost smile, Harry Potter thought I was going to cause him harm. "It's not that I dislike you, I just have a feeling as though something bad is going to happen. And every other time I felt that it ended badly for me, and everyone around me." I nod.

"I'm not here to hurt you. You must understand that. I may not be the perfect example of goodness, and my father may have been a death eater at one point, but you have to remember everything else. My father risked his life so that Voldemort wouldn't kill you. All because he felt the need to save Lily Evan's son. He died in your arms. Do you know what that means to me?" I am almost crying now, tears are pressing at my eyes, but refuse to leave.

"How old are you Claudia?" The question takes me by surprise. "I'm twenty-two, years old, Potter. Though, I don't see how this is relevant." The mind behind his eyes is spinning. I can see gears turning, as he takes in what I just told him.

At once he lets go of me, and turns on his heels. I do my best to keep up, once I learn where he is going. He is making a be-line straight for Aunt Poppy. When he reaches her, he stops.

"Who is her mother?" he points back at me. "Why would you think I would have the answer to that Mr. Potter?"

"Our parents were in the same year at school, and she is four years older than me. She was born here in this castle. Who is her mother?"

"Harry, I suggest you stop right now, while you can. You are making a scene and you don't even know for sure that your correct. Give it a rest." Obviously being told off by Arthur is something new for him, because it makes him rethink things. Harry backs down and turns to me. "I'm sorry." He says and I sigh. "Well, it seems that today is full of apologies."

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