17| Good Luck With That One Charlie

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Claudia POV

It suddenly made sense why Charlie always wore long sleeve t-shirts. His torso and arms were covered in tattoos. I was stunned. He looked damned good too. Across his chest was the face of a dragon. He had flames and scales running along both of his arms. I couldn't left but want to trace every line with the tips of my fingers. I didn't though. 

"Well brother," Fred said looking at Charlie. "That doesn't call for a sip. I think you need to chug that cup." But Charlie only shook his head. "I'm good, I'd like to remember this night." I smile as I lean back into his chest and Fred looks at him with both eyebrows raised, otherwise he doesn't say a word. 

When Draco realizes that it's his turn he smirks and looks directly at Ron giving him a look that says, I'm coming for you. I raise my brow when I hear the words come out of his mouth. "Never have I ever caught my parents having sex." Ron's face turns a bright red and Hermione smacks Draco's leg with a smile on her face. Ron takes a sip, and then shutters. 

All at once, it seems that the Weasley siblings break out in hives. The rest of us do all we can to hold back our laughter. Hermione winks at Ron before coming for Draco. "Never have I ever been caught by my parents having sex." Draco scowls and takes a sip. I drop my head before taking one of my own. Draco's vodka shoots from his mouth and fly's across the room. "Dad never mentioned that!" Cash objects and I can feel stares on me. More importantly, I can feel Charlie's stare on me. 

"Dad never mentioned it, because it really is none of your business. Either of yours." I shoot glares at Draco and Cash, before seeing that Harry holds a similar expression. "Yours either 'chosen one'." That seems to do the trick, for Harry at least. "And this is the moment that I realize my innocent little sister, isn't really all that innocent." I roll my eyes at Cash. 

"One, I'm only three minutes younger. And two, between the two of us, you are the innocent one. Do you know how many years I have been sneaking around behind your back?" Cash opens his mouth, but I answer for him. "Our entire lives. Seriously, get over it." 

Then Cash's eyes suddenly light up. "It was that Hufflepuff wasn't it! That one that you dated for all of two months and dad started flunking him!" I pick something random up off the floor before throwing it at him and sending him a death glare. 

"What Hufflepuff?" Draco and Charlie say at the same time. Cash begins snapping his fingers trying to figure out his name. I roll my eyes. "That one that Voldemort killed." he says and I snap.

"Yes, okay! I had sex with Cedric fucking Diggory! Can we all just drop it! Please!" I feel Charlie pull away from me slightly at my words.

"Wait." Hermione says, confused. "I thought he was with Cho Chang." I clear my throat. "He was." I say before I place the bottle of vodka to my lips and tip it. "Not my finest moment." She seems to understand, and looks at me with something akin to pity.

"Did you know that he was with her? When you started going out with him, I mean?" I cock my head at my big mouth of a brother. "Do you think I would have been so pissed if I knew?" The mouths around the circle from O's and I sit up straighter. If Charlie doesn't want to be around me, that's fine. It's not like we are actually going out anyway.

"Well. I believe that it's my turn." Fleur says, saving me. "Never have I ever fancied someone in this room." Everyone took a drink at that, and the light hearted round helped to defuse some of the tension. Everyone let her get away with the fact that she had lied to turn the attention away from me.

I shot Fleur a grateful look and she smiled at me. It seems that I have more than one ally in the Weasley family. "Never have I ever told someone's secret." Bill said, and the rest of the game was just like that. It became known who was on my side and who wasn't. People kept shooting never have I evers directed at my brother, and by the end of the game even Charlie had warmed back up to me. Though I couldn't get it out of my head how I was laying on his half naked body.

By the end of the game I was so trashed that I had a hard time walking on my own. One look at Hermione and Ginny tells me that they are in the same boat that I am. "Alright boys, time to get your girls to bed!" Draco announced, pulling Hermione up off the floor.

Charlie stands and does the same to me, but I stumble and fall against his chest. "Well hi there." I giggle. "Your muscles are hard, Charlie." My hands run along his chest then his arms. "I workout." He says trying to move me towards the door. I place my arms around his neck. "I can tell."

Amusement glints in his eyes as he sighs. "Alright then, looks like we aren't doing this the easy way." Charlie picks me up and adjusts me in his arms so that I'm laying bridal style.

"Good luck with that one, Charlie." George laughs as he Pat's him on the back.

I feel the gentle sway of Charlie walking down the stairs. Then up again as he finds his way to my dorm. "Charlie?"

"Yes, love?"

"I don't like you." He laughs a bit. "That's great to know."


"Yes, love?"

"But I can't stop thinking about kissing you again." I feel the soft mattress hit my back. "Me either, love. Me either."

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