12. Talented

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Taehyung was sleeping peacefully. His alarm suddenly rang and he groaned hiding his face in the pillow saving himself from both the alarm and the sunlight.

Then Taehyung saw a message on his phone. It was a message from his cold mother who was possibly warm only to Taehyung. She messaged taehyung saying that she will be out the entire day and Taehyung's father would be there home alone. So, she requested him to be with his father for some time. They hadn't spent a father-son bonding time since long and after getting grounded and confined to the garage, Taehyung had bitter-sweet relations with Mr.Kim.

Taehyung sees the message with a tired look. He groans a bit and gets up from the bed yawning and stretching in the process. He wears his fluffy slippers and now looked extremely endearing from head to toe. The young lad had fluffy curly hair which were in a mess, indicating he had a great sleep. His night suit had cute bunnies made on it. The boy shows his childishness through many such ways. Then he walked to the sink washed his face then peed in the sink besides it and fetched a towel which was randomly lying around. He took it and walked outside the garage, towards his old home. Dragging his slippers, he reached the door.

He  twists the door knob entering the mansion. He saw a figure lying on the couch carelessly, hanging by the edge of it. It was obviously Mr.kim who seemed to be in a deep slumber. Suddenly, an evil idea popped into Taehyung's creative little skull. He fetched a bucket of water and poured it on his father without any ounce of guilt. His father gets startled and wakes up with a horrified expression

"Ahh mother, my house is collapsing" Mr.kim says but he immediately broke out of his trance hearing muffled giggles.

"You little brat" Mr.Kim says eyeing Taehyung annoyedly.

"Weren't you trying to get back at me" Mr.kim furrows his eyebrows 

"I indeed was. Now come on dad get up" Taehyung says and immediately pulls Mr.Kim's slightly heavy figure out of the couch. Mr.Kim sluggishly got up then asked taehyung

"Why are you here though?" Mr.kim asks, his voice getting less deeper as he started to get more and more awake now

"Uh actually" Taehyung scratches his nape nervously

"Its been a week since I took like a proper bath and I absolutely need to take one right this instant. Aunt junie already suspected a stinker yesterday and thanfully I had escaped but, this just cant go on" Taehyung whines by the end of the sentence and Mr.Kim closes his ears in annoyance

"How much capacity have you to speak so much in the morning" Mr.kim says and Taehyung rolls his eyes

"I saw your eyes, better be grateful for this. Go take a bath and come back within 10 minutes. If you don't then-" Mr.kim wasn't even allowed to complete and was pounced on by his cute little son. 

"Thank you so much dad" Taehyung says in a sickeningly sweet tone and hugs his dad before vanishing off to the bathroom. Seeing Taehyung's cute antiques his father couldn't help but smile at his little brat who wasn't so little anymore. Then his dad quickly shakes his head

"Why was i even smiling" Mr.kim was a bit irritated at his own self but the old man cant just realize that he absolutely adores his little son.

Taehyung rushed back to the living room in exactly ten minutes much to his father's surprise. He was about to leave the house but his father decided to stop him.

"Taehyung" Mr.kim calls out and Taehyung turns back

"These past days did you visit the garage?" Mr.kim asks and Taehyung nods his head as a no before speaking

"I didn't dad, i really miss David" Taehyung says and his father immediately comes near and puts his hands on Taehyung's shoulder

"Let's visit pig tires today. I want to see your talent and seeing how David always praised you I am sure you wont let me down" Mr.kim says and Taehyung was taken aback

"Really dad?" Taehyung asks in a excited tone

"Yes yes. Now go get your bag" Mr.kim smiles at Taehyung and Taehyung  could swear he hadn't seen this smile since a month now. 

"Dad are you really my dad?" Taehyung raises his eyes and Mr.kim giggled at his child.

"Yes you idiot. Now go quick, otherwise my decision might change you know-" Before Mr.Kim could complete his sentence Taehyung ran away and Mr.Kim shakes his head knowingly at the disappearing figure.

In an hour or so they reached pig tires and Taehyung rushes to David hugging him like a clingy sloth. Not like David was complaining.

"My little worker. What brings you here?" David was overjoyed seeing the latter's face

"I will work for you" Taehyung says and smiles a wide rectangular smile.

"Really wow. Of course you are welcome here any time. Come on" David smiles his brightest and gives him the uniform. Taehyung quickly puts it over his clothes and quickly goes to a customer who had just arrived. David shifts his gaze away from taehyung and sees mr.kim with a slight tensed expression.

"Oh hello mr.kim" david says bowing a little. His smile slightly faded from a few moments now seeing taehyung's father.

"No don't be scared david. I am here to see Taehyung's work today. " Mr.kim says with a gentle smile and Pats David's back who let's out a laugh of relief.

"O-oh that is great. Very well then. Come in Mr.kim, let's watch him together." David says and Mr.kim enters the shop. It was a fairly small one with not much space to even properly repair but the customers were loaded. Probably the reason why david is content with his small garage.

Then they both see taehyung coming out of the bathroom, all ready to serve the customers. His first sentence and gesture had already impressed Mr.kim

"Yes. How may I help you" Taehyung asks with a charming smile. It was for sure that the young lad had good salesman skills.

"Actually my car's tires are punctured. Please repair it as soon as possible. How much would it cost" The women asks taehyung. She looked in her mid 30's and seeing her suit,high heels and the overall attire taehyung could make out she was rich and probably a business woman.

"Oh sure. That would be 50 won." Taehyung says and the lady nods in elegance before walking away informing that she will pay later.

Taehyung dismantles the tire and puts it on a table. He examines its nooks and corners like a pro. Then he picks up the tire, and starts revolving it near to his ears

"Tell me, tell me where it hurts " taehyung talks to the Tyre.

"Oh there I got you my love" taehyung catches the hole in a fraction of seconds and starts fixing it.

Mr.kim's eyes remained open and his mouth agape seeing the things he was witnessing. It was like a magical movie.

David snaps his fingers on the face of mr.kim and that is when he comes out of fantasy world

"Isn't he born gifted" david says making eye contact with mr.kim then quickly shifts his gaze back to taehyung.

"I got literal goosebumps you see" Mr.kim says and David smirks knowingly. He felt like a proud father.

While Mr.kim was still spellbound and out of his mind seeing taehyung fixing the tires like he has been doing it since he came out of his mother's womb. It seemed like Taehyung was a doctor of tyres. He almost looked like a god with an imaginary shining light behind him at this moment.

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