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You were still running, still listening to Stuart's footsteps.  You were turning corners, winding through the maze of his house.  You wanted to drop down from fatigue, but you refused to die here.  Not like this.  So, you kept making your way through this labyrinth, trying to escape the terrifying minotaur chasing you.



You kept sprinting, refusing to slow down.  Then you saw a door.  You raced over, and threw the door open.  The outside world!  You were free!  You ran outside, and ran past the side of Stu's house looking for one of his neighbors.

Cons from only going to Stu's house twice:

1. You didn't realize he had a lack of neighbors

2. He knew the layout far better than you did

So, was it really surprising when no one answered your screams for help, and when he tackled you to the ground?

It felt like Stu was crushing you under his weight, and like you were about to die from suffocation.  You knew you were about to get killed.  This man had just killed Mr. Prescott in front of your eyes, and was the one who was overly excited to reveal Sidney's head to you.  You might have argued he was the craziest of the four.

"Holy shit," you heard him mutter.

Stu quickly crawled off of you, but grabbed your arms in a death grip so that you couldn't run off again.  You quickly found why he swore like he did.

"Oh my god..." you mumbled.

Hanging in the cat door, dangling in the air, was Tatum.  Her neck was bent at an impossible angle, and you could hear her struggling to breathe.  But she was breathing none the less.  Tears poured from her eyes as blood dribbled from her mouth and nose.  But most terrifying was her eyes.  Her pupils were constricted from the pain, and they were flitting around wildly as they refused to focus on a sole thing.

"You might wanna hold your ears or something," Stu advised.

Then, he wrapped one of his arms around your neck in a chokehold, still preventing your escape.  You figured it was probably smart to listen, so your arms flew up to plug your ears and protect your precious eardrums.  With his free hand, Stu grabbed a gun from seemingly out of nowhere.  You squeezed your eyes shut, then... bang!  

You hesitantly opened your eyes, and saw Tatum's body had gone limp.  And she now had a bullet hole, right through the forehead.  She was dead.

"I love you," Stu whispered.  "Whelp, who's gonna break it to Randy?  Poor little geek's gonna be heartbroken."

Stu stood up, pulling you upwards with him.  He grabbed your arms once more, and began to make his way to the front door.  Walking back into the house, you were both quick to find that Randy had been shot as well, and bleeding on the ground.  When you found his corpse, you felt your knees buckle as you got close to falling over.  For once it was a good thing you were stuck in Stuart's grasp, because he kept you from falling to the floor.

This death was strange.  Sidney was your friend, but after her mother's death was stand-offish.  Tatum was a cold blooded killer, but Randy... before tonight, he had been your best friend.  He had gotten you a job, he helped you through rough times, and he knew just how to make you laugh and smile.  And while he could be annoying, you wouldn't have traded your time with him for the world.

And now he was dead.  And you felt conflicted.  You were going to miss your best friend, but at the same time, he could rot in Hell for all he had done.

City of the dead (Ghostface x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin