𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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You woke up to the sound of a steady beeping rather than your alarm.  You were a little unnerved, but then the memories from the previous night came rushing back to you.  Where were Casey and Steve?  Were they okay?!  Why weren't you dead?

"Hey, hey kid, you're okay," you heard your dad sigh.  "Thank fuck.  You're okay."

"Where am I," you asked shakily.

"You're in the hospital kiddo," he replied.  "You were at Casey's house and got attacked by someone.  They knocked you out."

"Where's Casey and Steve," you interrogated.  "Are they okay?!"

"They... they died, (y/n)," he told you.  "You were the only survivor."

You looked at your hands, a few wires running in and out of your right arm.  It was connected to different machines lining the bed.  Casey and Steve were dead.  You didn't like Steve, sure, but death?  That was too far, he was just a kid!  And Casey... while she hated and acted like shit to you for the past year, but she had still been your best friend, even if only for two weeks.  You didn't want to see her six feet under this early into her life!

And why were you, some random nobody spared the same fate?!  The killer had you in his arms!  He had a knife!  Hell, you swore at him and acted like a sarcastic bastard over the phone!  So why hadn't he sliced you up?  Didn't you deserve the same treatment?  But instead, he just knocked you unconscious.  You were a fucking liabilaty, you could tell the police everything!  So why had he spared you?

"Your friends Sidney and Tatum are waiting outside, I waited to let them in till you were awake.  I know you're a bit iffy about people seeing you... venerable," your dad explained.

"Oh god, Sidney's probably freaking out," you muttered.

"Kid, you need to be worried about yourself right now," he told you.

"But Sidney-"

"I can go get them, but please, for the love of god, you are the one in the hospital as a patient.  Please, for once, be a bit selfish."

And with that, he stood up, and left the room.  Moments later, the door flew open, and two teenage girls came running in.  You didn't fail to notice that your father wasn't with them, but you didn't question him.  He was probably just giving you three some space, not wanting to be in the same room as three hormonal teens.

"(Y/N)," they both screamed in unison.

They rushed to the side of the bed, and Tatum gingerly grabbed your hand.  Sidney look worried, and you couldn't begin to think about how freaked out she must be.  A few days before the one year anniversary of her mother's death, Casey and Steve were killed.

"Oh my god, are you okay," Sidney asked worriedly.  "We heard Casey and Steve were dead, and came as quick as we could."

"I mean, I think I'm fine," you responded.  "If you don't mind me asking, do either of you know what happened?  I was unconscious for most of it."

"Well, as you know, Casey and Steve were murdered," Tatum began.  "And we're not just talking killed, we're talking splatter-movie killed!  Ripped open from end to end!"

"Oh my god," you breathed.

"Yeah, it's so sad," Tate continued.  "Casey's mom and dad found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside!"

"Oh my god!  Do they know who did it," you asked eagerly.

"Fucking clueless," Tatum replied.  "And everyone's so confused how you survived."

"Honestly... me too."

"So... what happened," Sidney asked hesitantly.

"Do you remember that phone call I got the night your mom... passed?"

Both girls nodded.

"Well, he called.  He said he'd gut me if I hung up, and I didn't take him seriously, so-"

"So you ignored him?!  (y/n), you idiot," Tatum shouted.

"Tate!  (y/n), please continue," Sidney interjected.

"Well, I hung up, he called back, and Casey answered.  He had us turn on the patio lights, and Steve was out back, tied to a chair.  He made us do some horror movie trivia, saying Steve would die if we got it wrong," you explained.  "And Casey got a question wrong.  She refused to answer his next question, so he broke in.  I tackled him, and he-"

"YOU TACKLED THE KILLER?!?!  What is wrong with you," Tatum asked angrily.

Sidney glared at her, and Tatum quickly backed down.  The two looked at you expectantly, and you took a deep breath before continuing.

"We fought a bit, Casey ran off, and he hit me in the head with a book.  I fell asleep, and woke up here."

"Did you see his face," Sidney questioned.

"No.  He was wearing a costume.  He had a mask on, gloves, anything that could give him away was covered up," you answered.

"The boys are going to come visit at lunch," Sidney told you.  "They're at school right now."

"Wait... why aren't you both at school?"

"We wanted to make sure you were okay.  Plus, when the boys do get here, they'll tear each other apart without a buffer," Tatum stated.

"Plus, we didn't want you to get lonely," Sidney told you.  "And don't worry, we have Randy bringing movies galore for you."

"You guys are the best," you smiled.

"Anytime!  And I can go call Stu and Billy quick, have him bring you movie snacks," Sidney informed you.

"You don't have to do that," you told her.  "But, I won't stop you either."

"No!  You don't get that (y/n)!  Not after hanging up on, and attacking a killer," Tatum shouted.

"Oh be quiet, at least they didn't die," Sidney pointed out.

"But they could've!"

"Girls," a nurse called from the doorway.  "Shouldn't you both be in school?  Education is important you know."

"Oh eat a dick and piss off," Tatum told her.  "We're busy in here!"

"Tatum," you shouted.

Sidney smacked her arm, and you began to profusely apologize to the nurse.  The woman scowled at Tatum and stormed off, and you felt bad.  And you knew it was only going to get worse around lunch time.

A/n: the soulmate thing is up.  It's called 'The heart acoustic,' and was based off the Chonny Jash remake of 'The mind electric' by Miracle Musical, since both versions are living in my mind rent free right about now.

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