𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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You began to look at Randy's selection of movies sprawled out over a coffee table, and noticed a tiny detail. Jamie Lee Curtis was in every one. For a moment, you questioned asking. Then you remembered: it was Jamie Lee Curtis. In most of her movies, she had an obligatory tit shot. No wonder Randy brought them. Like you and Tatum had to satisfy hungry teens, Randy had taken on the role of getting them horny. Because that idea was just grand.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Stu came running out from the kitchen, and Tatum followed at a slower pace. Stu noticed this, and decided to use her to his advantage.

"Hey, I'll get the door. Tate, me another beer, will ya? There's more in the garage," he stated.

A few other boys who had parked themselves by the TV asked for her to grab them some, and Tatum scoffed.

"What am I, the beer wench," she asked sarcastically.

"I can get them," you told her, starting to get up from your seat.

"No, it's fine. Keep the geek occupied," Tate told you.

"You know you love me," Randy shouted.

Tatum ignored him, and began to make her way towards Stu's garage. Stu had long since disappeared, and you wondered who could be here. Pretty much anyone your age would just walk inside, they wouldn't bother with the doorbell. Even Sidney would just come in. And you didn't think any police would be showing up, right?

"You'll never believe who's here! It's the chic from 'Top Story,'" Stu announced.

You quickly turned around, and stared at him. Was he fucking serious? The woman who had ruined one of his friend's lives, and he was just welcoming her in with open arms? You had pulled some pretty asshole moves, and you had seen this boy do some real shitty things, but this one definitely took the cake.

"You're under age son," you heard Dewey say. "I'm kidding. Have a good time."

You jumped up from your seat, and faced your friend's older brother. You glared at him, and soon enough, he noticed you.

"Oh, hey (y/n)," he greeted. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"What is she doing here," you asked, looking at the reporter. "Is she with you?"

"Don't worry, Gale's just helping me check things out," he told you.

"So you're on a first name basis with her now?"


"You said you were just checking things out, and you did. You can leave now. And take the Mega Bitch with you."

You wondered what Tatum would do when she found out about this. Thank god Sidney had decided not to come along because this would've been a waking nightmare for her. You felt bad for her, with everything happening so close to the anniversary of... that. And while she could've come along to unwind like you had, she also really deserved to just hole up in her room and take some time for herself.

Tatum was in the garage, and unaware of the Mega Bitch's entry into the party. Although, she would've ripped Dewey a new ass if she had found out, so maybe it was a good thing she was out here.

She had used a chair to prop the door open, knowing that her hands would be too full of alcohol in a moment to open it up herself. And like hell she was going to trust the weirdos inside to open it back up for her. But, she shouldn't have fully trusted the chair either, because she heard the hinges creak as it slammed shut.

By now, her hands were full of beer bottles, making sure that she did the job of the beer wench correctly. She closed the fridge door with an angry huff, and looked at the door into the house, an annoyed expression painted on her face.

But she was quite surprised to see someone in a costume with a familiar screaming mask standing there.

She took one glance at the shoes the person was wearing, and sighed.

"Oh, it's just you."

She sounded relieved. The man in the costume heard it clearly.

"You know, I honestly expected you to take longer," Tatum began. "You were talking about getting action movie violent, I thought you'd take three hours at least! But it seems you didn't..."

She took a few steps forward, and got a bit peeved when the man didn't move. She had to get inside, people were expecting her! Even if it was just for beer, they'd notice something was off. And they were all so close, they couldn't afford being suspicious so close to the finish line!

"Move, will ya," Tate demanded.

No response from the costumed killer.

"Oh, I get it. You're annoyed that I let them come," Tatum stated.

The masked man nodded.

"Look, I tried my best, okay?! I even tried to drive them home, but they figured it out! There wasn't much I could do," she tried to defend. "I'd honestly like to see you try and do better!"

The man stared at Tatum. He knew she was stubborn, but she had never gone against the plan like this. Never. So this was new. And somewhat amusing to him.

"Besides," she began. "Is it really such a problem if (y/n) sees the big finale? They'd probably figure it out either way! And I know they're honest all the fucking time, and that's going to be annoying with the police, but I have a few ways to take care of that!"

The man cocked his head to the side, now intrigued. Tatum knew she had him right where she wanted him, and that the night was about to take a very interesting turn. The man stepped to the side, and Tate smirked as she twisted the doorknob and made her way back into the party.

While Stu's Fiesta might have started hours ago, the real party had only just begun.

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