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- who doesn't?
- are you not walking her home?
- I asked her she said that she was fine.
- I'm fine imo, let him rest.
- nonsense, what kind of gentleman are you, leaving a young lady walking back home alone?
- please don't imo, is fine, is not that far, I'll be alright.
She said hurrying out the door.
- I can't believe you let her walk home alone, you are right about being different than your father, specially in this one thing he was such a gentleman with anyone, but specially with ladies.
- (loud sigh) mother I asked her, and you heard her answer.
- that doesn't mean that you have to listen to what she says.
- fine mother, fine.
He said hastily, walking to the door, putting his shoes on before walking out.
- where is she? There is no way that she walked that fast.
She grabbed his phone to call her.
- y/n, where are you, do you walk that fast?
- no, the bus was at the bus stop so I got in it, I'm almost home already, I told you not to worry.
- well, I'm glad you are almost home, also enjoyed the food, see you at work Sunday.
- see you Jungkook, get some rest.
- I will you ask well.
He said hanging up the phone before walking back inside.
- what happened?
- she managed to catch the bus when she walked out the house, she was getting off when I called her.
- I'm sorry for what I said son, is just...
- momma, is ok, I got your message, you were right that's why I got up and went after her or tried.
- she doesn't have anyone around here, you have me.
- who says I'm going to share you lady?
He asked wrapping his arms around her.
- don't be greedy son, let's be more humane, specially with someone that works with you all week every night.
She told me that she loves my food, is even better than her mother's.
- she is just trying to butter you up lady so you keep feeding her.
- well, she did a good job because, I will keep feeding her.
- I know you are, should I get jealous?
- I don't know why you should.
- I'm going to my room then mom, you should get some rest.
- I'm good, I'm about to wash this dishes.
- do you want help?
- no son, get some rest, you have to go back to work tomorrow, I don't.
- that doesn't matter mother.
- is ok baby.
She said kissing his cheek.
Y/n walked in the house with a full tummy but also lots of worry in her head, wondering if Jungkook's mother would tell him the truth.
- I hope not.
She hoped as she walked in her place, getting rid of her clothes right away.
Jungkook in other hand he was in his room, playing some overwatch 2, when his phone alerted a notification, it wasn't until he was killed that he was able to get to read the text message.
- not interested right now.
He said tossing his phone on his bed.
- why does your ugly face keep popping in my mind girl?
He said at the fact that y/n kept popping in his thoughts.
- please not right now, that's not allowed heart.
The game didn't seem interesting anymore so he caught the computer off, then laid on his bed to stare at his ceiling.
- girl, why do I want to see you riding me right now? Ughh.

Few more months went by, Jungkook and y/n were used to each other's company a work, but also she had become an usual at his house on the weekends, she wasn't a guest anymore, she was part of his family or that's what his mother kept telling him, f...

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Few more months went by, Jungkook and y/n were used to each other's company a work, but also she had become an usual at his house on the weekends, she wasn't a guest anymore, she was part of his family or that's what his mother kept telling him, for him it was becoming harder to stop himself from developing feelings towards her.
- shall we go to mom's shop to get some dumplings?
Jungkook asked while they were sitting on his living room.
- that sounds so good, I'm so hungry, let's go.
She sprung out of the sofa.
- someone is mighty hungry I see.
- why didn't you say anything before if you were this hungry?
- I didn't think you wanted to get out of the house.
As they walked out of his place, on of Jungkook's conquest was waiting in front of his building.
- Jungkook!!
She called him making him turn, then she noticed y/n.
- what are you doing here Piper?
- I have been wanting to see you but you don't answer your phone.
- well doesn't that give you the hint that I might not be interested.
- who is that?
- I don't think that's any of your business but she is my best friend.
- do you have sex with her too?
- I'll see you at imo's shop Jungkook.
Y/n felt very uncomfortable with the situation so she kept walking.
- wait fiend.

He called before following her

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He called before following her.
- yah, Jeon Jungkook!!!
- please do not make a scene, that isn't very lady like.
He said then turned away from her.
- ahhh!!!
- why did you leave her like that?
- because I told her plenty of times that all we were going to have was sex, she said it was ok, now she is acting all clingy and shit.
- that's not nice sir.
- It was a long time ago y/n, I don't know why she shows up in here now, I haven't see that girl in long months, you weren't even working at the warehouse yet.
- well, obviously she felt different.
- well that is not my problem y/n.
- wow, I didn't think that you were like that.
- what, how am I y/n, should I have just lie to her and lead her on?
- I guess not.
They made it finally to his mother's shop.
- mom.
He said walking in the kitchen.
- son, that's a first, you coming here.
- we are hungry.
- we?
He looked behind him.
- get over here.
He said pulling her hand.
- don't me me look like I'm the only one hungry.
- hi imo, are we bothering you?
- of course not sweetheart, what do you want to eat?
- dumplings imo, flat dumplings.
- go on sit down, I'll bring it.
- mom, you didn't ask me what I want.
- because I know already, go sit down with her.
She said pushing him away.
- why so rough with me? I'm your biological son you know, she just came along.
- silly.
She said with being able to stop laughing.
- I hope she isn't busy.
Y/n said as she made herself comfortable on a table.
- she would have said something, usually whenever she is really busy, she just packs it for me to take to the house.
- she is such a gem, Jungkook take care of her like she is the most expensive diamond in the world.
- all of the sudden y/n.
- I'm being serious, you give her hard time every day.
- that's me playing with her y/n, is never too serious that it gets disrespectful, my dad would have killed me.
There it was every time that he brought up his father, her guilty made itself present in her heart, weighing it down.
- hey, are you ok?
He asked when he noticed how her facial expression changed.
- yes, I got sad when you mentioned your father that's all.
- don't be, he rests in peace.
- here you go son and my darling.
- thank you imo.
- get whatever you want to drink from the fridge.
- imo, I hope you know that I'm paying for this food.
- no you are not.
- I'll leave the money on the counter, I did come get to eat not for free.
- well I came here to eat for free.
- yah, you make good money Jungkook, why can't you pay?
- because I pay taking her out to eat to more expensive places whenever we go out.
- is true, I wouldn't charge him anyway, because if I need help he comes and help me whenever he can.
- besides I'm her son, you are just a free loader.
- yah, don't tell her that!!
His mother said smacking his arm.
- why not? That's the truth.
- no it isn't.
- well I might be a free loader but I'm still paying for my food.
- enough you two, eat before it gets cold.
- thank you for the food lady.
- thank you for the food imo.
- my pleasure, eat up.
She said before walking back to the kitchen.

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