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- I guess not, but I don't lose my hope.
- don't,because if you lose that your life will be hopeless, or at least that's what my dad used to tell me when I was a youngster.
- your dad sounds like he was an amazing father.
- he was, until he decided that a little girl was more important than him, he died saving her.
- do you recent that little girl?
- I try not to but is so hard, why didn't she got out when the fire alarm rang, why?
- we don't know why, maybe she was listening to music, maybe she was asleep.
- maybe, but never mind that I don't want to talk about it anymore so I'm sorry y/n, if I do I'll recent her even more I know is not her fault that he chose to save her, he always said that saving lives was his job, making sure people were alright.
- did he not take care of you like he should have?
- oh yes he did, my father was an excellent father and husband but sometimes his job was a little too important, he was the fire fighter chief after all, but he love to be hands down on the job with his crew instead of being at his desk.
- I'm so sorry Jungkook that you lost your father like that.
She felt her heart getting heavy under the weight of the past, she was here and his father wasn't, but can she tell him that she is that little girl that his father saved, without getting all the hate that he has inside, even though he tries not to feel that way, but every time the subject comes up, he lets out all the resentment that he has harboring inside his heart for all this years.
- well, this is me.
She said feeling relieved when they have finally reached her place, he look at the building, it was a fairly old building but still looking well taken care of.
- I like this complex, it looks vintage but still with some modern traces.
- it was remodeled in the inside practically made over because it was falling apart the outside is well taken care off but the inside was almost falling apart.
- wow, is this your place?
- yes it is, my parents bought it when they first got married, I paid it off with the insurance money, so I don't have to worry about losing the last thing that I have from my parents.
- that's good, I did the same thing with my father's insurance when I turned 18, my mom still works though I don't know why, because I told her that she didn't have to work anymore.
- Jungkook, don't you understand why, she wants to feels useful, you sleep during the day so she can't spend time with you, so she keeps herself busy, with a little part time job.
- never thought about it like that to be honest.
She smiled at him, that smiled made him feel like he had fallen under a spell, staring at her lips for a few seconds too long.
- stop it...
He mumbled a little too loud.
- excuse me.
- oh nothing, I have to get going, I'm kind of tired, I'll see you tonight y/n.
- ah yes, thank you for walking me home.
- no problem, see you get some rest.
- you too Jungkook.

- oh no Jungkook get those thoughts out of your head, you better than anyone know that's not allowed, specially when we work together

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

- oh no Jungkook get those thoughts out of your head, you better than anyone know that's not allowed, specially when we work together.
He scolded himself as he made his way home.
As he walked through the door he was met by his mother's embrace.
- goodness I thought something happened to you Jungkook.
- mom I'm fine, why are you so worried?
- you are usually here by now.
- ah, I walked the new girl home before heading home.
- a new girl.
She smiled.
- I know that smile so don't get any ideas in your head mom, she is just an employee I supervise, I'm training her.
- well who knows maybe she is the one who will take you out of the market.
- mom, stop I said nothing would be happening between her and me, I'm her supervisor so that's out of the question.
- blah, blah, you can't tell the heart what to do, maybe she can get you to stop sleeping around with all those easy girls that you be laying with.
- mom, stop please I'm not having this kind of conversation with you, (sigh) these are the moments that I need my father so I can have man to man conversation.
- I don't see what's the difference, you can talk to me about everything I might not be a male but I have experience with them.
- which I don't need to know about mom, it feels weird.
- nonsense, anyway I'm heading out, are we still going for coffee Saturday morning?
- if you want of course we can.
- good I can't wait to spend time with you,
- me too but we won't be talking about my sexual life, understand lady?
- blah, blah, blah.
- is this how you did to my father when he was alive lady?
He said wrapping her arms around her shoulders giving her one last hug.
- the same way.
- go before you be late.
- I can be late is my restaurant after all.
- this lady.
He shook his head pulling back turning to walk to his room.
- food is on the stove.
- didn't I tell you to stop cooking before you go to cook somewhere else? I can feed myself mom.
- just be grateful, mom won't be here forever.
- (shush) don't say those things because I'll ge mad with you.
- I won't but I'll do my best to last a long, long time baby, I promise.
- I need you healthy lady so you have to take care of yourself.
- I know, I know now let me go.
- ok, ok.
He moved away once again then watched her disappear behind the door.
- every time she says something about her not being here forever she gets me all frustrated.
He said making his way to his room where he changed into workout pants, before walking back to his workout room.
- alright let's get today's work out done.
Y/n walked to the kitchen after a nice warm shower, hair freshly wash, wearing a tiny pair of shorts and a sport bra.
- I'm so hungry.
She said while opening the fridge.
- what to eat?
She roamed in the fridge for something that killed the hunger that was killing her, what Jungkook had gotten for her last night was long gone.
At the en a settling down with a simple but delicious grilled cheese with fried eggs.
Jungkook head to shower after he finished his workout, walking to the kitchen as well right after with the only difference that he had some a home cooked meal waiting for him on the stove.
- woah she cooked a spread.
He said opening the pots.
- buddae jjigae ( military stew), LA galbi (ribs), and of course rice.
He made himself a bowl of jjigae with a bowl of galbi on the side and of course a big bowl of rice.
After a good hearty meal courtesy of mom, he sat at his desk where he played a little overwatch 2 until the heaviness settled over his body as well as his eyes lids, so after saying his goodbyes to his fellow players he turned everything off, then head to the bathroom to do his night routine then finally getting in his bed.
- goodness, this bed has been calling my name all night.
He took his shirt and shorts off tossing the on the side of the bed, falling asleep immediately.
Later on in the day y/n woke up to the alarm, not wanting to waste anytime, she got out of the bed, walking in the bathroom.
Jungkook's mother walked up to his door knocking on it.
- Jungkook, is time to get up son.
She called.
- I am up mom, thank you.
He said throwing the covers off him before stretching a little before getting out of the bed.
Soon enough walking out of the room after making sure he had everything in his backpack.
- mom, you are home early.
- yeah, I came straight home after we close the restaurant.
- ah, no ladies meeting tonight.
- no we took a break this week, some of them aren't in town, I came home with food for you to take to work.
- what you got?

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