its been 3 years ever since i published this

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I'm really fluttered that so many people still read it even after so many years, I'm really thankful to all of you people, who read, vote and comment on this story of mine, it means so much to me because when I first started this, I just wanted to write a story for my own joy, and I'm so glad my own joy became others' joy too.

I appreciate every single comment of you guys, I know I don't reply to everyone but I do giggle and kick my feet over each comment.

Reading this story again makes me wheeze badly because the English is horrible, I still hope some of you manages to read the story and understand even tho the English isn't the best.

That's all I had to say, thank you all so much! Have fun reading the story and enjoy! <3

That's all I had to say, thank you all so much! Have fun reading the story and enjoy! <3

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Of A Human And A Vampire {Soukoku}Where stories live. Discover now