An Exit Route

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The world around him was still murky black when he came to. His head was pounding and his face rested in a lukewarm pool of what he hoped was blood.

Ignoring the sound of his pulse rushing in his ears, he began to identify other sounds of life around him. The sounds of scuttling legs let him know that he had a few furry friends hidden away in the dark. But what he was searching for was more deadly.

He knew Drew was out there. With his taunting smirk and scared face he was watching, waiting for a moment to strike.

"I know you're there Drew" he bellowed fighting the ache in his chest. His voice was strained and wheezy as it fought against his crushed ribs. "You can do whatever you want to me but don't hurt her."

Tsk tsk tsk.

It was hard to discern where the mocking sound was coming from. Every syllable echoed off the walls around him leaving him more disorientated than before.

Footsteps followed. Firm, heavy steps that filled him with dread as they became louder with each passing second.

In a flash his chair was upright. The sudden movement caused his aching head to spin and he groaned at the unwanted movement. The blood on his face was beginning to dry leaving behind a scaly scab that pulled his skin tight.

His mouth was like sawdust. He had no concept of how long he'd been passed out but he knew his body was calling out for any type of sustenance.

His prayers were quickly answered as water filled his every sense. The hose blasting towards him nearly knocked him off his chair as he fought against the restraints. As it continued to hammer at his skin the room filled with light. The single bare bulb above his head swung slowly giving the room a ghoulish glow.

Jake shook his head to remove the water collecting in the contours of his face. The droplets clung to his lashes obscuring his view. The light shining through left him unable to distinguish the shape heading towards him.

But he didn't have to look.

Call it a hunch but Jake could sense Drew's approach before his vision had begun to clear. Maybe it was the swagger of his silhouette or the aura of death that accompanied him but he knew.

Tsk tsk tsk.

He repeated enjoying the way Jake fought against his binds.

"Not so fun the other way round is it pig" Drew sneered "Not so fun when you're the one trapped."

The blur in front of him was beginning to clear. The water was cool against his skin leaving him with a unnerving chill.

"I mean I know you did that little stint for what? Six months? That's nothing compared to what you put Alex through."

"I was nothing to do with Alex's arrest" Jake seethed continuing to fight against his binds "That was her and you know it!"

"You're all the fucking same" Drew scoffed "If you and your scum pig friends had their way we'd all be locked up, Mia included."

He was taunting him. Teasing him in hopes of making him snap.

"See Mia and I are one of the same-"

"Mia is nothing like you" Jake gasped as water continued to drip down his face. The sound of her name in his mouth knocked him sick.

Drew could only chuckle. It was light and unnerving. So much so that Jake didn't even see Drew's fist before it slammed into his skull.

The force threw him to the floor but Drew was there to drag him up again. The fall had left him disoriented and Jake struggled to find his composure.

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