Deal? Deal.

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Jake had insisted on driving Mia to work that night. She had tried to persuade him to let her get a cab but he wouldn't hear of it. She tried to fight the shakes in her wrist as she finished off her hair and makeup, before putting on a striking green dress to help build her confidence.

Her eyes were darting to each and every street corner when Jake pulled up outside the club. He leant in for a kiss but Mia couldn't help but let her mind drift to what could be waiting outside the car.

"Won't you be cold" he asked his eyes scanning over her bare slender arms.

"You can't imagine how warm it gets inside" she smiled and pecked his cheek once more. She swung open the car door and began walking towards the door. She kept her head held high and walked as quickly and confidently as she could in her strappy silver heels.

"Evening Mia" Ernie the bouncer gave her a nod as she headed towards him. She stopped and smiled giving him a quick hug.

"It's been a while! Busy night?" She asked her head motioning to the line of party goers stretching around the front of the club.

"As always" he smiled "but never too busy to get you in" he winked with a glisten in his eyes.

"Who else is on security?" Mia asked as casually as she could.

"A couple new guys" he said without a twinge of a tremor in his voice, he surely knew the fate of Ronnie more than anyone "Drew is in the back office" he offered up without her pressing "if you were wondering" he stifled a laugh and his eyebrow raised slightly.

"Why would I want to know?" She asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Ernie only shrugged a smirk round his lip.

"I hear things"

Mia rolled her eyes "You should know better than anyone that there's no use listening to rumours, especially when they're all based on lies" she added tapping his arm.

"Hey!" A random voice called "I've been waiting an hour how come she goes straight in?!"

Mia went to shout back something just as snarky but Ernie got there first.

"And you'll be waiting another hour if you talk to her like that!" Ernie unclipped the soft fabric rope that guarded the entrance to the bar motioning for Mia to walk through.

"See you later Ern" she called back.

"Have a good night darling" he replied before heading into the throngs of people that lined every wall of the entrance. Mia smiled when she recognised the familiar act of men standing in groups watching girls, picking out who they would approach once they finally worked up the courage.

She headed to the bar for a drink and felt a couple sets of eyes follow her as the hem of her dress skimmed the top of her thighs. The bar man caught her eye and motioned to a free stool a few feet away, she rushed to it quickly placing her purse on the bar as she sat.

"What can I get you?" he asked, giving her a wide grin. She paused for a second but before she could answer a warm hand placed itself on her shoulder.

"Rum and coke" said a gruff voice behind her "two of them, on my tab"

She knew before she turned who it was and swallowed thickly before craning her neck to see him. His steely blue eyes bored into her and Mia had never felt so small. The bar man placed their drinks on the counter and Drew took one draining it in its entirety before placing the empty glass back on the table.

"I suggest you do the same" he motioned to the glass in front of her "We need to have a talk."

She nodded slowly but her eyes never left his. The tremor in her hands was from fear for once and the ice cubes in her drink rattled as she took a sip from the glass. Drew only laughed at her, he reached for her purse before taking her free hand and lifting her from the stool. Her feet hit the ground unsteadily which only caused him to chuckle once more.

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