Sodo - Mind Swapped

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You and Sodo had snuck into the Spells and Summoning room for fun and were messing with the books, doing funny little spells like helium voice for 5 minutes or only being able to understand Spanish. Dumb little spells.

"Sodo, what's the Mind Swap spell?" You asked, seeing there was no information on it.

"No idea. What's it say?" He asked, leaning over your shoulder and looking at the blank page.

"Let's try it, what's the worst that can happen?" You shrugged with a laugh, already starting to say the chant. Sodo quickly joined you, both of you saying the chant together. You both waited in silence, rolling your eyes at the failed spell.

"That was a waste." You huffed. Sodo froze, looking down at his hands.

"I don't... I don't feel well." He mumbled, tripping backwards and landed on his ass with a thud.

"Yea.. me neither." You said as you sat down across from him, holding your head as your whole body seemed to be going numb. You felt a brightness in your vision before the wave of sickness quickly passed. You slowly opened your eyes, rubbing your head. You jumped, seeing yourself sitting on the floor across from you.

"Dude I'm fucked up. I can see myself sitting across from me." You groaned.

"No because same." Your body spoke, in Sodo's voice. You both froze before looking down. You let out a scream, looking back up at your body.

"Y/n! What the hell did you do?" Sodo asked, standing up.

"What did I do... I'm in your body... your in mine!" You shrieked.

"I have... lady parts!" He yelled.

"I have a dick!" You screamed with panic.

"You better reverse that damn spell, Y/n, or so help me!" Sodo growled.

"So that's what I look like when I'm mad? Damn." You laughed.

"This is no laughing matter!" Sodo grumbled, snatching the book from your hands. You and him quickly chanted the spell, waiting several minutes for something to happen.

"It's not working! Make it work!" You yelled.

"Shut up!" Sodo growled, chanting the words over again. He let out an annoyed groan.

"I'm not staying in a guy's body, least not my bestftiends body!" You groaned, burying your face in your hands.

"What, you worried about getting a boner?" Sodo taunted. You spreaded your fingers to look between your eyes before nodding.

"Yea." You whispered weakly.

"You don't have to cry about it. All you need to do it get it quick and over with or take a shower." Sodo chuckled.

"How am I gonna... like... do it." You asked panickedly.

"Do what?" Sodo asked, paging through the book.

"Use the bathroom." You mumbled as your face went red.

"Oh... well... you just stand and aim." Sodo shrugged.

"I can't do this!" You groaned, sitting down and curling up on the floor.

"You're worried about you, I'm worried about me! What if your- my, monthly thing happens!" He spoke.

"It won't. Unless we are still like this by next week." You muttered.

"Is that's why your- my chest hurts so bad?" He asked, glancing down.

"Maybe." You laughed, sitting back up.

"Oh my Satan, how do you do this? It's so uncomfortable!" He gasped.

"I don't know... I" You shrugged. You both sat in silence for several seconds.

"Maybe we should talk to Copia about a reverseable spell?" Sodo suggested.

"Yea, let's do. I can't fucking do this!" You sighed, getting up off the floor.

"Maybe try deepening your voice a little?" Sodo asked. You sent him a growl as you left the room.

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