They have a Christian Partner

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I do not remember who requested this, but please do not criticize any religion in general in the comments. I understand some may have religious trauma, but still no reason to talk bad about a couple headcanons. I just ask that you will be respectful in the comments :)


If they would sit down and have a calm conversation about it, explaining their views of religion, Swiss would not care. As long as they didn't force it on him or make him go to church with them, he genuinely wouldn't care. He would question why they would still want to stay with him, since he's a demon from hell and everything, but in the end, love wins, so he would still treat them the same way.

Now if it came down to them keeping their virginity till marriage, he'd have a problem, but if he truly loved them, he would wait, but no longer then 6 months at the most.

He wouldn't be too happy because he would be worried they would try forcing him into the religion or into the church, but if not, he would most likely be okay. He would question a lot about the whole dating the demon situation and stuff, and would generally be confused.

Now if there would be no sex till marriage, the relationship would be over unless he truly did love them and want them to be with him forever, but he would be on his knees with a ring 10 seconds later.

He would not care. He would love them for themselves and would not question anything. He will try everything at least once, and might willingly tag along for church just to have the experience, but he will sternly tell them that he has no want to being in the religion if they try to talk to him about it.

If they requested they waited until marriage, he would happily wait, especially if he really loved them. He would ask for the boundaries and everything so he wouldn't make them uncomfortable or unhappy.

He would be scared the first half, thinking they were here to destroy him with the power of God or something. He would be worried they wouldn't love him anymore because he was a servent of Lucifer as well. He would eventually not care and would still love them the same way.

He wouldn't care how long he would have to wait to have sex if they wanted to wait till marriage. He personally doesn't see sex necessarily for a healthy relationship, he just likes the feeling off it. He's soft like that.

He would give them a happy smile and be proud of them for telling him. He would give them a hug and tell them it doesn't matter who they worship or pray to, they will always be his little flower, and he'll stick by that forever. He enjoys asking them questions about certain things they view about their religion, and would go to church once or twice to get an unclose experience.

He's not in a hurry to have sex, so if they want to wait till marriage, he will oblige to it without a question.

He would be extremely confused and probably would just have to walk away to try and figure it out.
In the end, he wouldn't care if he really loved you.

He wouldn't necessarily mind waiting till marriage, it's just annoying for him, but if you are his soul mate, he would support you in anything.

Her first thought would to be is break up, but if she really loved her partner, she would stay. She would ask her questions about their religion and stuff, and as long as they didn't try to get her into it, she would be fine.

She will definitely try crossing the boundaries a little, but if marriage is what it took, she would wait.

Kinda like Mountain. She would be so happy they told her. She wouldn't care and made sure they still wanted to stay in the relationship, since she was a demon. She would still be so proud of them and just be happy overall. She won't be afraid to put her foot down if they get carried away with it though.

She will gladly wait till marriage with the right person, and even some people that aren't even Christian will wait till marriage, so she sees nothing wrong with it.

She would be genuinely confused and would ask a lot of questions, but she wouldn't care in the end, and would probably forget by the next day. She wouldn't enjoy if they talked to her about joining, but other then that, she is completely fine with it.

She is a cuddle type. She couldn't care less. She really would prefer cuddles over sex, so waiting till marriage wouldn't bother her.

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