"I am sorry. I will apologize for thousand times if you want. I love you."

Dexton said. His eyes mirrored Shaira. Glossy and full of tears that needed to be held back.

From the first time, when his brothers forced him by saying they will go to foster homes if he took her in. Dexton knew it was a bad idea. It was a bad idea to let Shaira go but he could not let go of his brothers too.

Shaira sat again with her hands on her knees. Looking straight into her brother's eyes.

She gave him one of her sad yet angelic smiles. She was relieved like the thorn in her mind has been finally pulled off.

"I know Dexton. I could see it in your eyes but don't I deserve the right to choose what I want in my life?"

"Yes, You do."

Dexton said his voice heavy. He regretted every moment of his life when he stop looking at Shaira. He lost his sister who had so much trust in him when she was just a little girl.

"Then, let me make the choice."

He lost her. He lost one of the most precious things in his life.

He silently nodded.

"You can make any choice you want but just know this even if you give my position as your protector to anyone else. Does not matter, you are still my precious sister and I will always love you. I will shower you with all the love till you are here but the decision is yours. I will respect that."

Shaira nodded and gave her hand to her brother. Dexton took her hand and stood up.

"Now, I need to go." Shaira cleared her throat to waft off the awkwardness. A blush crept on her face.

Before she could go. Dexton put one hand on her head and kissed her head.

"Okay. Alkov will take you to Mr. Sordo. You have already missed the last meeting."

Shaira sighed and nodded. No confrontation could make his brother less intimidating than before. His orders are ironclad.

"Bye." Shaira said as she took big steps towards the door.


" So I was not wrong. It was you."

Shaira remained silent. In the whole fifteen minute ride, Alkov had been silent but Shaira could not help but see the signs of impatience in him. Like he was itching to say something.

"So, you will not talk to me."

Alkov sighed. He didn't like Shaira to be so quiet. It's not like before she was outspoken but seeing her with Diaz and family irked him. He hate to admit it but he was so damn furious when Shaira talked so freely to that family. That wannabe boyfriend, if eyes could kill would be under six feet by now.

"How is your relationship with Sebastian?"

Shaira's eyes snapped towards Alkov in a second. Oh, how could he forget about the blatant lie Sebestian spewed out? She could feel the wild energy from her brothers when that guy came to the hospital. He was not given a single minute to talk alone with her. Shaira was happy that he came out alive from that hospital that day.

"He is just a friend."

Shaira answered. No way could satisfy Alkov but she did not have anything else to say. Even though she liked Sebastian, there is no way she was in a position to handle a new relationship when she could not handle her already ones. She needs to clear things for him too.

Shaira unconsciously played with her fingers as Alkov's eyes flickered to her.

"If he doesn't behave well with you. Come to me at once."

Drowning In The Dark (Broken Heirs #1)Where stories live. Discover now