"Mother, don't speak like this anymore. If Father were to hear you, he might very well just sit idly by and watch everything be with the wave of his sleeves. Now that Uncle has been pinned with a crime and wronged with no wat of recovery, if Father also... Ge Ge might not be able to come back anymore..." As she spoke, Shen Qiang burst into tears and felt as though the entire world was bullying them mother-children group of three.

"I... Qiang'er..." perhaps she was finally able to listen to her warning, but Liu Shuhan opened her mouth and suddenly pulled her daughter in a tight embrace and sobbed loudly. Throughout this period of time, no matter how hard it had been and how she was suppressed, she was firmly convinced that as long as she endured well, she will have her opportunity to stand back up again. However, Shen Xiao's arrest was undoubtedly her last straw in mentally incapacitating her. 

"Mother..." the mother -daughter pair gripped tightly onto each other as they cried miserably. It was truly hard to imagine that just a moment ago, they were still gloating and wondering how the old madame would handle Shen Liang.

"Huai Zhi, go. Tell the steward to send someone to the court office to find the marquis. Tell him that the young master has been taken away and that he must find a way to save Xiao'er." No one knew how long they cried before Liu Shuhan finally regained some composure. Her reasoning and rationality finally returned. Except for slightly choking up from her sobs, her previous madness was nowhere to be seen."

"This servant will go now," Huai Zhi was Liu Shuhan's head maid and someone heavily relied on by her. When she saw Liu Shuhan finally recover some of her senses, she hurriedly rushed out to comply to her orders.

Concurrently, the situation at Lotus Fragrance Courtyard was no different from that of the main courtyard. In fact, when the old madame heard that Shen Yang had been arrested, her breath couldn't catch up and she fainted from anxiousness for some time. At this time, there wasn't a single man in the manor who could take charge over matters and the back courtyard was immediately reduced into chaos. It wasn't until the old madame regained consciousness that they remembered to send someone to find Shen Ruiting, the three brothers and have them come up with a plan to save their child out as soon as possible. 

With the persisting natural disasters that sprung up in many regions, the Ministry of Household Departments truly was overwhelmed with work. Especially since during their morning court that morning, the emperor had specifically called their department out for their inefficiency. As the head of the department, Shen Ruiting didn't even have the time to return home and directly buried his head in his work at his office. When he heard that a servant from home had hurried over to find him, Shen Ruiting even had the office guards chase them away with aggravation and annoyance. It wasn't until Shen Ruiqing and Shen Ruijiang, his two brothers came in person that he finally knew his son and nephew had been arrested by the people from the Ministry of Punishment.

"The people from the Ministry of Punishment can't and won't arrest anyone casually. Did they commit some sort of crime?" In the carriage en route to the Minsitry of Punishment, Shen Ruiting had a gloomy expression and sharp gazes the entire time. He locked his angry gaze on his two younger brothers firmly. Although Official Wang from the Ministry of Punishment didn't have many interactions with him and they couldn't be considered confidantes, Official Yang also wasn't an unscrupulous person who arrested people with no basis. How was it possible he would just arrest them like that?

"How am I supposed to know. I heard the Prince Consort Duan personally led people to the Imperial College to arrest them. Didn't eldest sister-in-law and her maiden family offend the Eldest Princess before. Who knows if they're just venting their anger or not? How pitiful my innocent Yang'er is to be implemented." Had it been any other situation, Shen Ruiqing would be adding fuel to the chaos but he was not in the mood today. Shen Yang was his eldest son. If something truly happened to him, he will see to it that Liu Shuhan paid for it with her death!

Rebirth of Poisoned Empress, by 颜若优雅Where stories live. Discover now