Aisha giggled freely as she spun around and back into Atticus' arms.

"You're a natural."

"I love to dance," she said with a smile as they slowed for the end of the song.

Another tune started up. "Ooh this one is good too. This time on your 3rd spin we will switch partners, don't worry though, I will have you in my arms again before the song is finished." He smiled coyly down at Aisha as the song started and they danced again.

On her 3rd spin she spun into the arms of Axel.

"Well hello there, Aisha," he said stepping into rhythm with her.

"Prince Axel, what a pleasure. This certainly could've been one of the things you taught me on our 4 week voyage here."

"Dancing? You don't know how to dance," he said spinning her out and back into him.

"My people do not do this style of dance."

Axel remembered how her people danced and it brought a smile to his face. There were group dances, but not like this one, and when the party was going there were a lot more glistening skin, drums, and sensual bodies.

"Certainly, they do not. Maybe you can teach Atticus. I'm sure he'd be interested to learn your style of dance," he says with a mischievous grin.

Aisha blushed as she thought of dancing for Atticus the way her brother's wives had told her about. She spins away from him again and back into his arms.

"And maybe I will," she said teasingly.

The two finished their last twirl as she made her way into the arms of a stranger. He gripped her tight as he peered down at her.

"Ah, I'm glad to finally meet the Princess."

"H-hello sir," she said startled before regaining herself. "I have not had the pleasure of being introduced."

"I am Ronan, the Royal Ambassador, your highness. I am from the great Monarchy."

She spun away and back into his arms. This guy was weird. His dark, greasy black hair and spilled eyes, made her spirit weary.

"Well, thank you for introducing yourself," she said with a forced smile as they continued their dance.

"I am an advisor of King Eirik's. Your arrival at the castle was met with," he paused, "mixed responses, but I am happy for your arrival here, I have never seen the Prince so enamored." He smiled, but his smile did not bring her joy.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." She said ending their dance a little preemptively as she twirled into another set of arms, this time Aurelius'. He was actually smiling and held a twinkle in his eyes, similar to Axel.

"Well hello there," he said with a smile.

"You are jovial."

"I like this song."

Aurelius admired her as he spun her out, then back into his arms, but keeping a good distance between them. He wasn't sure he could handle her any closer to him.

"You've mastered these steps in such a short time."

"I owe that to your brother." She laughs. The sound perks his ears up.

"And how have you been fairing? Are you enjoying the feast?"

"I am having a very enjoyable night. My days here have been amazing actually. Everyone is so kind and accepting of me."

"You are hard not to be kind to or accepting of, Princess Aisha." He gazed down into her brown eyes and down to her plump lips as she smiled at him. He was charming just like his older brother, and dare she say, handsome.

Princess of MardaliaWhere stories live. Discover now