The moment she became CHRIS

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Disclaimer: Reader, be advised, if you are a true die hard fan (blind fanatic, going nuts type) of ex-Officer Christina Alonso, you might want to rethink reading this fic. The voices in her head, the terrible encounter she went through and the worst demons of her past will star in this piece. 

So, if you do not agree or don't appreciate strong topics, issues or even strong language, there are other fics that I have written that I invite you to enjoy. But...if you decide to venture into this bit, keep an open mind and do NOT retaliate against the writer by leaving hurtful or disrespectful comments! 

You have been fairly warned!


"Alonso!" called the beautiful Abby McBeal, rushing through the crowded hallway.

Fourteen year old transfer, Christina Alonso, turned around at the sound of the angelical voice. She was astounded by her gorgeous eyes, rounded hips and strong shoulders. Every time she heard Abby's voice she felt flying in the chute, no worries!

"Hey Abby!" she calmly responded, trying to cover her enthusiasm.

"Just spoke with Coach Lamar. A girl transferred and another dropped out of school. You know what that means, right?" she asked, finishing with a smile. 

"Uh..." she mumbled, lost for words. It was hard to concentrate!

"You're in, silly! You made top three timing in second team, which means, with two open slots, you're automatically in. I saw you pushing yourself hard in the try outs." she paused and frowned hard, staring lost into her eyes. The teen continued confused, "I thought you'd be more... excited!"

She is such an angel! Bless her so much!, Christina thought, as she stared at the perfect ponytail and the perfectly level bosoms under the tight blouse. Abby had just enough makeup to say 'I'm girly' but not too dark as to say 'I want to die!'. She was just...perfect!

Suddenly, she came to realize what Abby was saying, shaking her head back to reality. "Oh my God! That is so awesome!" she blurted out.

Abby snapped out of it and smiled, "Yeah! You and Tanner can be the perfect tandem to guard the outside shot."

"Yeah" Christina thought, shooting her a shy smile.


The loud bell was heard throughout the school, with the speaker just two feet away from them. The young girls squinted their eyes and covered their ears, trying to block some of the obnoxious sound. The rest of the hallway was busy with students coming and going. 

"Anyway, I'll see you in the field tomorrow!" Abby said, turning towards the stairs.

"Bye!" Christina said, waving her hand weakly as she was still under her spell.

After school...

She was still excited! Young Christina was still in awe that she made the team. Being a freshmen and transferring in the middle of the semester was hard enough, but trying out for next year's varsity team and actually making it was something she wouldn't even have dreamed before. Truth was, after her mother's accident and all the mess that followed, she didn't expect much for her life at all. 

But...that was all about to change! As she went towards the bus stop, she daydreamed about a starting position in the team, about getting college scouts to come watch her play and actually going to college! Wow! That seemed almost impossible several hours ago, but now it could truly happen. She had tons of work to do though...especially since all the girls in the team were either two or three years older than her and had been practicing soccer since the start of the school year or more.

SWAT: BeginningsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang