HonDeac: Sunshine

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Author's Note: We all know Hondo is the tough, mad-looking sergeant and Deacon is the more peaceful, tech driving sergeant in 20 squad, right? But, have you ever wondered when was the first time they truly relied on each other? Who helped who? Besides that time in the forest, has there ever been an adventure involving just the two of them? Read to find out!


"So...you need to finish that list, plus your paperwork by close of shift today. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!" responded all five men.

Commander Robert Hicks had given clear instructions to all of his squad leaders: get all the ducks in line. No more mess ups! The commanding officer was steaming after SWAT had recorded all time low scores on performance tests. Disappointed was purely an understatement!

Everyone scrambled to get started on their chores, each with a long list and a stack of papers to complete.

Young Officer David Kay dragged his feet to the only open cubicle in the space. His eyes were half closed and two dark rings adorned the area below them in his face. The new father hadn't slept much the entire night, after his baby daughter was dispatched from the hospital with a terrible case of reflex. Annie was dealing with gastrointestinal issues, so she spent the night in and out of the bathroom. All of this, plus the horrible moment the day before with Buck singling him out in front of the team for being distracted on a very important drill, created an immense pressure on him. It was becoming very difficult to balance out home life and work, especially when you have an ailing baby in one and a demanding boss it he other!

He tried to keep a positive attitude, as well as his eyes open. However, after turning on the computer and completing just ten minutes of work, his eyelids were giving in and Morpheus began knocking on his door. Suddenly...

"Let's go! Let's go!" called Sergeant Spivey, leader of his squad. "Everybody, gear up! Now!"

Buck, as the sergeant was called, came in a hurry. Everyone dropped what they were doing and immediately ran towards the stairs to the locker room. This was what Deacon needed: an urgent call. He jumped on his feet and followed the crowd of officers. It took them all of twenty minutes to change and load up their assigned vehicles, with 20 Squad leading the way with the big tank.


"Sergeant!" called a man with a rolled up white shirt.

As soon as SWAT arrived, Detective Weimer informed them of the latest developments. Two hostages were being held captive by one of LAPD's most wanted fugitives, a man known as Predator. The man was wanted by several cities besides LA, but his worst offenses and the most amount of criminal counts were in said city. The police tried to corner him, but he slipped away into an five story building. SWAT was called to provide backup for the hostage situation and to apprehend the criminal. Buck led the way, assigning duos to each part of the building under attack.

"Deacon, you take Hondo and clear out the fourth and last floor. Marshalls say the guy may be high on something, so make sure to have all ears and eyes wide opened. Stay liquid!"

"Yes, sir!"  replied both officers.

They moved in quickly, entering the building through the back door. Deacon stepped in front, while Hondo followed closely behind. Silence greeted them, as they continued towards the back stairs. Both officers continued silently, still in tight formation.

One flight. Two flights.


Three flights.

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