He smiles before bending down putting his lips by my ear.

Gods, he smells so good.

"I don't believe you, Wren, and would prefer it if you would drop this prim and proper facade," He turns his head so that his breath tickles my ear when he speaks, "I know how dirty you can get, my love."

I suck in a sharp breath, taking some steps back. He watches me, amused.

"Get away from me," I demand.

"Your Highness," He starts, a smug smile on his face.

"No," I blurt out. I walk around him before quickly making my way out of the room. I plaster on a polite smile and say my goodbyes. From the look on people's faces when they look at the front of the room, Ryle is still standing there, watching me leave.


I practically throw all my jewelry onto my vanity.

I am done with this day. I want it to be over.

I go to the bathroom and remove my makeup. I then start on taking my hair down from it's painfully tight ponytail. I pull out pin after pin after pin. Then I take the hair tie out, my long hair finally falling from the updo. I close my eyes as I run my fingers through my hair, my scalp tender from being in that ponytail all day. I sigh as I sit down on the edge of my tub. My nails feel like heaven as I drag them through my hair.

My door opens and then closes.

"I wish to be alone," I call out, assuming it's a maid.

Footsteps come towards the bathroom, I open my eyes in time to see Ryle lean against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, that stupid, smug smile still on his face. I stand up, pure shock making my body go rigid.

"Get out. You have no right-"

"I have every right, Wren, to be in your bedroom," He interrupts, "Seeing as we've already laid together."

I storm towards him, not bothering to keep the fury off my face, "I've already told you, I have no Earthly clue what you're talking about."

"You're lying," He says through a humorless smile, "You and I both know it. So drop the act."

I cross my arms over my chest, "What makes you so sure that it was me??"

He grins, "I'm so glad you asked that, Wren."

I hate that he uses my name so casually.

He puts his hand inside of his suit jacket and I take a tiny step back, not entirely trusting it's not a dagger.

He pulls out a black lace, masquerade mask. My heart drops to my goddamn stomach.

"Do you recognize this?" He asks.

That's a silly question. Of course I do, it's my mask from that night. I took it off as I was walking to my room. I meant to stuff it into my dress to hide it but it must've fallen out. I haven't been able to find it since.

I keep my face in it's irritated state as I internally begin to freak out.

I motion to it, "What is this?"

"Mm," He mumbles nodding, his frustration rising, "I'm not explaining what this is, Wren, you already know what this is."

I sigh, walking into my room and to my closet, "It's a random black mask, even if I was that girl, that could belong to anyone."

He doesn't say anything when I shut my closet door.

I can't breath in this goddamn dress.

I untie the knot at the end, keeping my corset as tight as it is. Or at least try to. My maids always act like I need the corset this tight to keep my organs together. I sigh, again, as I continue to struggle with the knot. I look up at the ceiling in irritation.

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