"I've not," Emma lied, struggling to get the word to pass her vocal chords.

Melanie smiled, but there was something slightly sinister behind her eyes. There was a false kindness to her. She stood up and walked toward Emma, opening her arms and pulling Emma close.

"Are you sure?" Melanie asked, her tone melodic and laced with a faux sympathy as she wrapped her arms around Emma. "It seems like you are."

"I'm not," Emma stuttered, cringing against the cold emanating from Melanie's skin. Melanie released her hold on her, placing her hands on Emma's shoulders and leaning back to look at her.

"I thought we were friends," Melanie stated, her smile fading to a look of scorn. "But you just abandoned me the moment I needed you." She dropped her hands to her sides and sat back on the edge of the bed. "I guess I should have expected it though. You've always sided with Simon and the rest of the girls whenever they decided to have a go at me, always siding with whichever group was bigger to avoid making waves. You've got the whole world completely fooled into thinking you're sweet and innocent, but you're a bitch just like the rest of them, forcing me to shut up during interviews, letting the other girls pick me apart, convincing me to fade into the background, making me look a complete fool. It was so much easier for you to walk away this time and not have anything to do with me, wasn't it?"

"Melanie, I didn't," Emma whimpered, guilt quickly replacing the fear she had been feeling.

"You've never stood up for me," Melanie grumbled, dropping her head, a look of disgust on her face. "Not with the other girls. Do you have any idea what that's done to me?" She looked back up at Emma, her eyes filled with hatred. Emma took a step back, terror once again rushing through her body.

"I'm so sorry," Emma apologized shakily, taking another step back.

"You're not!" Melanie spat.

"Just give me one minute," said Emma, trying to sound braver than she felt. "I'm going to get changed and then we're going to sit and talk about this. We'll get this all figured out." She quickly rushed over to the chest of drawers, retrieving a pair of pyjamas and subtly picking up her phone, then disappeared into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

She backed away from the bathroom door, staring at it fearfully, fully expecting Melanie to come after her, demanding to be let in. She shakily turned on her phone and dialled Geri's number, pressing the phone to her ear whist keeping an eye on the door.


"Emma, listen very carefully," Geri instructed, speaking as calmly and as assertively as possible. "You need to get out of there and find Andy or JP or Vern. Simon and Sam are already on their way there. Mel and I will find a way to get to you."

"Please come quickly," Emma cried softly, trying to keep her voice down to keep Melanie from hearing her. "Geri, I'm scared. She's acting really weird."

"Em, you're going to be fine," Geri assured her. "If she says anything to you, just ignore her. She's going to say things that are going to make you feel really bad about yourself, but you can't listen to her, ok?"

They could hear knocking coming from Emma's side of the call. Mel and Geri could hear Emma cringing as she cried into the phone.

"Emma?" Melanie's muffled voice called, her voice taunting the terrified girl. "What are you doing?"

"I just need to wee," Emma called back, struggling to keep her voice from sounding like she was crying. "Just give me a minute. I'll be right out."

The knocking became loud banging and the rattling of a door knob could be heard as Melanie tried to force her way in.

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