"The brave soldier returns from war," he exclaimed, standing. His smile widened when he saw Joel, chuckling and taking in the state of his face. 

"And look who he brought with him! El pequeño. ¿Hola hombrecito, como está? Wait, wait, wait. Don't tell me. Any story behind a face like that is too good for me to know right now. Tell me on the drive." Lalo said, grabbing the bag he'd dropped the roll of money in and setting it on top of a table.

"Drive?" Nacho asked, frowning.

"Yes. Drive. Un viaje. Goodness, Ignacio, we talked about this."

"Yeah. I told you I couldn't take you because I had business to attend to here. We can't fall behind again."

"Oh yeah! I remember now." Lalo said, clearly not bothered by the news. "Oh well, guess you'll have to fall behind again. You'll figure it out."

"No- I'm serious. I can't play taxi driver for you. Not today." Nacho said, frustration visible on his face, stepping closer to Lalo. 

Lalo stared at him deadpanned for a split second before perking back up once again.

"Alright, well then Jo-Jo can take me." 

Nacho looked back at Joel who looked less than enthusiastic at the proposition. 

"It's his day off." Nacho tried to argue.

"Nachito, you're such a drag, it'll be fine." Lalo argued, brushing him aside and stepping towards Joel. 

"It's my day off." Joel repeated, his expression not changing. 

"Yeah. From Fring. Not me. So are we going or what?" Lalo said. 

Joel glanced to Nacho, rubbing the non-bruised side of his face tiredly. 

"Fine," Joel conceded. "Nacho, can I have your keys?" 


It was the longest four hour drive Joel had ever taken, and he actively drove in a car with Victor and Tyrus. 

Lalo insisted on playing the most brassy mariachi music in existence, and then refused to turn it down when Joel told him it was difficult to concentrate on the road.

"If we're gonna crash and burn, we might as well do it to a good song, right Jo-Jo?" Lalo laughed and clapped the young man on the back. 

When they got out to the desert, though, Lalo turned the music off. You never knew who was lurking out there. 

Still, he continued humming for over and hour, and when he got bored of that, he turned to Joel with an inquisitive look on his face.

Typically, inquisitive looks were interesting, and brought good questions and conversation but on Lalo it just meant trouble.

"What." Joel asked flatly when Lalo didn't stop staring. 

"I'm just curious about your face." Lalo said like that was all he was doing.

"Well, keep wondering." 

"Awe come on. Let a brother in. I'm just trying to make conversation."

"Make conversation about something else." Joel's headache was back and he'd grown way too annoyed to be out in the desert with Lalo Salamanca and stay civil for the entire time.

"But I wanna make conversation about your face."

"Literally what is wrong with you?"

"Me? Hombrecito, nothing's wrong with me. I'm great. It's you I have questions for." Lalo pressed. 

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