Chapter 24: Moral of the Story

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Dolores' POV

I woke up with a killer headache. I knew something definitely happened last night, but I couldn't place anything in my mind. All I knew was that it wasn't good.

The aroma of coffee interrupted my thoughts. Lazily, I opened a single eye, and saw a blurry image of Five dealing with a coffee maker.

"You feeling any better?" He asked without looking at me.

"My head hurts like hell, but it'll go away, I hope."

He hummed. "You better. We have to babysit the kids tonight. Anderson is paying us double."

I nodded and got out of bed, cold air hitting my skin like knives.

"Hey Five?" I asked.


"Did I do anything stupid last night? My memory is completely erased."

Five's eyes widened a bit. Then paused for a second. "Nothing happened. You were fast asleep."


We met up with Ella and Josh at a restaurant to talk about our plans for today.

"Listen, today is April 14, which is the day of the sinking," Five started, "and so far we've done nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Well maybe we could do a little more if Josh here remembered to bring cash. Then maybe we won't need to work 2 jobs and focus on our work," Ella glared at Josh.

"Oh my god, we're talking about this again? I thought this conversation was over!" Josh barked, "you dont see me complaining about carrying your drunk ass back to the room!"

More quarreling. I finally spoke up. "Listen, I don't want to deal with you right now. I woke up with a headache, and you guys are making it worse. I'm outta here," I popped Herb's candy in my mouth and walked out to the balcony for fresh air.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Five fiddling with my box of candies.


"DOLLY!!!" Margaret screeched on top of her lungs.

"Hey Hargreeves... that's a pretty dress you have . Where'd you get it?" Mrs Anderson greeted us.

It was my favorite outfit. It was a baby blue crop top with slightly puffy sleeves, paired with a float white dress.

"Thanks Mrs Anderson, I made it myself actually," I replied.

"Well it's nice talking to you, but I gotta go now, so bye!" Ms Anderson grabbed her purse and scurried away.

Five and I waved at her and we entered the kids bedroom with Margaret. It was 11:00 pm and I knew the kids had a long day as they attended a lot of parties.

The kids' bedroom looked so cheery. In fact, the whole titanic ship looked like a happy place. People could finally go back to their home country.

It's sad and ironic that this ship leads to a tragedy.

"Hello Five," Mike shouted, in his bed and in his PJs.

"Can you tell us a story before we sleep? Pleeeeeaaase?" Myrtle begged.

"Fine," I gave in, "what kind of story?"

"An adventure!" Mike shouted.

"Wait, I have one in mind," Five finally spoke.

"Don't ruin it," I muttered.

I knew Five heard me but chose to ignore it.

"Once upon a time there were two friends called Doris and..."

"Finn." I suggested.

"Yes, Doris and Finn. One day, Finn invented a Time Machine and both of them went time- traveling. They accidentally went to the future and found themselves in an apocalypse. They couldn't go back because their machine broke down.

They tried everything to go back in time, and reunite with their family and friends, especially with their very special sister. They swore that they wouldn't stop trying until they had reached their goal. Still, they failed.

Fortunately or unfortunately, they met an annoying talking dog who led them to a company, which kills—"

"Saves history," I cut him off.

"Yeah," Five agreed, "they save history. Doris and Finn met their partners, their friend... Emma and their not-a-friend John. They went on missions to... save... Confucius and... George Washington. And that Confucius mission was a blast. They were at war, and Doris caught an arrow in time, just when it was about to strike Confucius!"

Five was a bit different than his usual self. He seemed to have fun, and his tone was engaging. What a rare sight.

I smiled, finding it adorable. The story though, made me have deja vu.

"Then what about their goal?" Myrtle asked.

"What about it?"

"You said that they wouldn't give up trying to reunite with their loved ones, but they never did," Margaret elaborated.

It hit me. Five was referring to our experience. Our story.

I also had the same question. I mean, had we given up going back to 2002? Did we forget about goibn back to be with Vanya? With Ashley?

"What happens next," asked a fascinated Mike.

"That's for you to decide," Five answered, "right, Dolly?"

I hesitated a bit, before saying

"yes, of course."

A/N: *sigh* my wattpad was restricted.

But I'm back! I'm sorry for the 57th time. I was grounded sooo... yeah. Also, I spent most of my time writing my new book. It is original, and I gave up (or postpone idk) my other book ideas. I'm not sure if I should publish my original work though.

Also, I noticed that I got more comments through the past few months. Y'all are really nice, especially a few of you who commented multiple times. Appreciate it. :)

~𝕸𝖞 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕲𝖔 𝕺𝖓 ~𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝐻𝒶𝓇𝑔𝓇𝑒𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓈Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя