12•30•21 pt 2

165 5 0

I looked at my phone regretting that text, I can't believe I just backed out of this like a pussy.

I grabbed my phone and took off my headset, I texted her back "Nvm, i'm not busy anymore". I bounced my leg as I saw the little typing bubbles appear, "Oh that's cool, so imma be straightforward cause i know you hate stalling. But can we meet up? I'm sure your sister told you everything" I looked at her text and I looked at the time.

- I felt a little anxious talking to her again, even if it wasn't face to face. " Yeah, where and when?"  I let out a quiet sigh.

- "Yeah, there's a small cafe downtown, I don't remember the name but i'll send the address"

- " Please don't chicken out last minute, I know I fucked up but please let me explain and after that if you want me to fuck off then i'll go and you won't hear from me again" I just look at the message and a few seconds later an address popped up.

- "I'll be there in 10", I turned off my Xbox and got up. What is her story? Why did she abandon me and everything we had together? I mean we were still young but that shit meant a lot to me.

- I actually loved her but it's okay. I grabbed my keys and walked out the house.


- I got out my car and walked to the door, I wiggled my fingers before opening the door. I stepped inside and the air was crisp and smelled soo good.

- The smell of chocolate and strawberries, some vanilla in there too. God it smell so good. I looked around looking for her, I don't know i'm doing so, I have no clue what she looks like.

- I probably look stupid just standing here looking for someone who's face i've haven't seen in over 7 years.

- "Stokeley" a soft voice said next to me, I turned my head to see her..she looked almost the same, still breathtaking, still so beautiful. How could I miss that face?

- "Hey"  she grabbed my hand leading me to a table in the back, her hands were still soft as ever. We sat down and she just looked at me, she was anxious I could always tell when she was nervous, she was too easy to read.

- "Stokeley, look. What i'm about to say is so fucking crazy and you absolutely every reason to laugh in my face and walk out" I just gave her a simple nod and she started talking.

- " This is some really dark shit" she nervously chuckled, "So a couple years ago, my parents business went completely bankrupt and they went into debt, they were so fucking desperate. They couldn't afford for my college anymore so I had to drop out" her voice started crack and she covered her face.

- I could still tell she was crying cause the tears seeped through the crevice  of where her hands met. I didn't know what to do, I sort of feel like an asshole for just assuming she left for no good reason. What happened to her?

- " Then, they were planning to sell me"

- My body absolutely ran cold on what she said , was she fucking with me? No way, shit.

- "I didn't want that Stokeley, I mean who would? I had to leave, I couldn't tell anyone....not even you. It was too much, you would've had questions and would've tried to help I didn't want you to get involved and wind up hurt"

- "Stokeley I loved you and I still very much do and I'm so sorry I abandoned you but I didn't want to!"  She couldn't even look at me in my eyes.

- I just stayed silent, what could I possibly say to comfort her?

- "Stokeley?" She looked up at me

- I couldn't say a word, "Please say something"

- Do I go with the basic "Im sorry" , I want to show I care.

- "Im so sorry..." I was honestly just shocked, "Im so sorry, I just.." I ran my hands over my face and we just looked at her.

-  I grabbed her hands and gave her a soft smile, "Im not mad at you, Im not going to lie I was so mad at you for a very long time. I thought you left me alone after what we had and been through"

- "Nooo Stokeley nooo, I loved you.  I would've never left you like that"

- "But it's okay, it's okay. Im not angry anymore"


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