Summer Camp

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wow kids we're getting a new C.I.T his name is Stokeley and y'all better be nice or imma get the extension cord , ya momma gave me permission to beat y'all " the kids slowly nodded.

Stokeley walked in and holy shit he was finer than a mother fucker like damn, "Sup guys , my names Stokeley and I'm excited to be y'all's C.I.T and shit- uh I mean yeah". I couldn't help but laugh at his little slip up.

The kid just looked at Stokeley I rolled my eyes "Stokeley will be the C.I.T for the Crock cabin" I sighed , "Now run along you little gremlins, We're going to the lake in an hour".

All the kids ran outside nearly trampling each other jesus christ the counselors aren't shit they put all the work on the C.I.Ts , Stokeley looked at me "These kids don't look easy" he chuckled.

"Trust me they're not , and the counselors aint shit" he rolled his eyes "How long have you been here?", "Eh this is my second summer with these crusty ass kids".

*at the lake*

"Okay so Diego is the lil white boy with the brown curly hair , he's 6 years old , he doesn't get along with Gus and Tay he likes to hang around Jahseh and Jarad" Stokeley nodded

"Okay next Kimetrius , lil nigga is wack as fuck , he brought firecrackers to camp last year" I shook my head and Stokeley laughed ,"He's 8 and he doesn't like Jarad and Diego , he hangs out with Tay and tay only ".

"Sy-" "AHHH" we turned our headed to the water to see Tay beating kimetrius with a stick, We rushed over and I snatched the stick from Tay, "What the hell is going on?" I looked at both of them and Stokeley just looked shocked:

"This nigga took my bitch" Stokeley looked like he was finna have a heart attack, "And who's your quote on quote bitch?" I rolled my eyes . "Onika " I gave kimetrius a glare "Come on now Kimmie , bros before hoes" Tay nodded.

I threw the stick in the lake and sighed as the kids ran off "Aint that lil nigga like 7" I nodded my head laughing, "They're like 16-17 in a child's body" I snickered.

"this summer is gonna be very eventful " I nodded "At least I don't have to handle them by myself ", "True "

"I don't know about you but i'm going in the lake it's too damn hot", I kicked off my flip flops and  ran into the lake , I looked back at the shore to see Stokeley laughing.

I motioned for him to come over he backed up a bit and started sprinting to the water , I put my hands up closing my eyes when he dove right next to me.

I opened my eyes looking around "Stokeley ?" I looked around "Nigga where you at?"  did this nigga drown? I felt something grab my foot and I let out a bloody scream.

Stokeley came up out the water laughing nearly suffocating, "THAT SHIT AINT FUNNY" , Stokeley wasn't paying at the was to busy laughing.

"Y'all cute or wtv" Jahseh swam by.



𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now