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I heard my "girlfriend"shout from in front of me, I looked up from my phone fixing the glasses on my face to see her standing in front the bed looking at her backside in the mirror.

I knew exactly what she was looking and a smirk crossed my face, " Like it?" , she stared at me through the mirror "I like it, I love it actually. But I don't think my boyfriend would be fond of it".

Her fake smile quickly dropped,  "And when have I been known to give a fuck about what your boyfriend thinks?" I said turning off my phone.


I rolled my eyes  "Lemme get a picture mama" .

She shook her head as she rubbed the bruised area "You don't see me complaining about the scratch marks on my back" I said turning on my phone again.

"Because you don't have a Girlfriend, I have a boyfriend" she said putting on her jeans.

"I told you leave that nigga long ago, I could treat you so much better and fuck you waaaaay better" .

I told Y/n to leave her boyfriend long ago, he ain't shit and I stand by that. He doesn't deserve her and that's why she comes to fuck with me.

His Dog ass doesn't give her attention at all, he works and when he's off he always out with his friends.

"Listen Stokeley, I gotta go home before Jo Jo gets there"  she said giving me a kiss .

"You know the drill, text me when you get home" I said getting up to walk her to the door.

"I never forget"  she said walking out my room 

"Yeah yeah , whatever" I said following her down the stairs.

"You better hope he doesn't find out about the mark" she said fixing her pants

"And if he does? Nigga can kiss my ass...disrespectfully"  I said opening the door

"I hope you like to  fight" she chuckled

"And I hope the nigga likes to eat dirt"  I replied as she walked to her car.


I took off my headset making sure to go on mute, I answered my phone bringing it to my ear.

"Wassup?" I said continuing to play my game

"He fucking cheated". I know this is not a happy moment but shiii it is for me.

"Oh my goood" I dragged out with a smirk on my face

"it's a good thing though" she said

"Oh trust me I knew that" I said turning off my game .

"Is it cool if I come over" She sounded worried

"You're always welcome here" I leaned back on my couch.

"okay, i'll be there in a few" and with that she hung up.

Boy oh boy does it feel good, I mean it's a shitty move to cheat...shit lemme shut the hell up.

But I mean I saw it coming, i'm pretty sure she saw it coming , we all saw it coming i'm pretty sure.

I mean it's great for me cause now I get to have her , and I won't let her go.


Sorry for it being short again

𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now