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I just wanna say I kinda pulled this chapter out my ass, it's kind of a rant but in a chapter form ig.

Enjoy, and thank you for 35K reads <3

I sat on the floor with Y/n as she cried , I've never really seen Y/n cry in all of our friendship and it's shocking. The words that left her mouth struck my heart and my mind, I had no Idea she was feeling this way and it's sad.

I could tell she was frustrated at herself as she had her face in her palms and her elbows on her knees, she gripped a bit of her hair as she let out an agonizing groan that genuinely wanted to make me cry,

You could hear the hurt and frustration in her voice.

"I just can't Stokekey! , it's like I wanna die but at the same time I don't" she moved her hair back, "I just wanna take a deep breath and know everything is gonna be okay" her voice cracked.

Tears rolled off her face and fell to the floor "I'm so tired , i'm just tired Stokeley" she sighed calming down but soon filled with rage hidden behind sadness.

"I have no motivation anymore" she rested her head against the wall, "What am I even doing all this for?" her watery eyes that were always bright and happy were now dark and hopeless now glancing over at me.

"I'm so tired of feeling this way, waking up is an aching pain and it hurts" she gripped her chest , It hurt me to hear my best friend tell me these things while she's at her lowest.

I rubbed her back signaling her to continue "Every single day is painful, I hate waking up, I love going to school because it keeps me busy, that's why I sign up for a bunch of after school clubs that's why I tire myself out to the point where imma collapse because I just wanna crawl back in my bed and lay there for the rest of my life" she sighed looking at me.

"I try so hard to please everyone and I'm never gonna be good enough, I get good grades 90's-100's and sometimes 70's-80's and all I hear is "You should've done better" why can't they ever be satisfied".  she rubbed her temples closing her eyes causing more tears to fall .

"And I'm just causing more problems for myself, Cause I'm stressed but i'm always adding more to my plate but without being overbearingly busy I literally loose every ounce of life I have left in me"  She took a pause and looked at me.

"But you know even if I feel that way, you and few others make life so much easier" tears filled her eyes again as she rested her head on my shoulder, "Every laugh and smile is because of you guys and even though I said I have no motivation you guys are the little bit of motivation I have left".

"Im thankful for you guys and I honestly don't know where i'd be without you guys" she slightly smiled.

"But I feel like i'm disappointing you guys, I feel like I should be more grateful" she let out a yawn.

"Besides all of those feelings, when i'm around you and the others I feel like everything is gonna be fine. You guys give me the energy I need, and when I leave it disappears. You guys are the only people that make me genuinely happy anymore" she said as her eyes started to shut.

"I don't love anything or anyone but, I love you and the others so much I just wanna say thank you for everything".

you guys don't have to vote on this one or comment, this was a ran to get my feelings out but in chapter form so yeah.

Thank you guys for 35K it definitely means a lot

𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon