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The music was blasting in my ear as I stood next to my friends talking and drinking, as if the smell of alcohol and weed wasn't intoxicating enough already.


I heard my name being shouted from somewhere, I turn my head to see someone walking towards me. I sighed as I realized who it was.


I rolled my eyes as I really didn't wanna talk to him right now or ever again honestly.

"I'm pretty sure that's my name" I responded.

"It's been a long time, what happened to you? You look different." he eyed me up and down.

"No shit, it's been 3 years" I raised an eyebrow, can he just leave?

"Listen Y/n, i've been meaning to talk to you , I miss you" he put his hands in his pockets and looked at me , I assume waiting for a response.

"Oh you miss me?, After you let those hoes tear what we had right apart?" He rolled his eyes , I assume in frustration.

"That's was in the past Y/n, they don't mean shit to me now" Does he think i'm stupid?

"That's not the fucking point, When you said it was over because of some bitch you met in walmart that shot right through my heart, But I should've seen that coming right from the start" I crossed my arms.

"You've changed since the last time i've seen you" he furrowed his eyebrows,

"Oh , you mean I no longer fall at your every command? Sorry that i've grown to be an independent person and i've learned that I can do fine without you". Even if that relationship went into flames it really did teach me a lot about myself and i'm proud of who i've become because of it.

"You're being a bitch" he groaned.

I felt and arm wrap around my shoulder and I looked up to see a dark skinned man wearing a durag, with a hoodie and some jeans, he had some nice chains and I could feel his cold rings on my shoulder.

"Hey babe , what's going on?" I looked at him for second but I decided to play along, "Nothing too important" I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Who the hell is this?" my ex pointed at the male next to me, "I'm her boyfriend, and you are?" his raspy voice boomed.

"You didn't tell my you had a boyfriend" he got a little angry,

"It's none of your concern"  My ex angrily walked off and I chuckled before letting the stranger go, "Sorry butting in" he quickly apologized.

"No No, Thank you so much" I smiled

"I'm stokeley by the way" he put his hand out to shake.

"I'm y/n" I shook his hand.

" well I hope you have a good night y/n" he smiled .

"Wait before you go, is it possible if I could get your instagram?"

"yeah, of course" , I pulled out my phone and he took it.

He gave me my phone back waved me a goodbye, I sighed putting my phone in my pocket I turned around I saw my friends looking at me.

"That was a very entertaining 20 minutes"  One if my friends said causing us to chuckle.

"Girl that nigga was fine, you got his snap or instagram or sum?" I nodded my head "YEEEESSSSS" Jayden screamed.

" we better be invited to that wedding, and we better be aunties to your kids" I rolled my eyes .

"Guys relax , I just met him a couple minutes ago".




𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐠𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now