CHAPTER 18: Evanora

Start from the beginning

"What are you?" Scott asked.

"A witch"

"Witch wow! This would be my first time seeing one. I must say you were really cool out there.."

"Oh is that a compliment?" She asked.

"Maybe.. what's your name?" he asked and she rolled her eyes.


'Lilith' he repeating in his head. She look so young. Probably around the age of seventeen.

They got to a strange place. It looks like a old small building.

"You live here?" Scott asked but she didn't reply and went it.

Immediately he entered he spot someone laying weakly on her bed.



Back in water Diana body began to sink, her body suddenly started to emit blue light. The water began to twirl on its own and surrounded Diana. It lifted her up and bought her out of the well gently.

Lilith was also in the woods during that moment with her cat so she spot Diana lying helplessly beside the well while the rain kept on falling heavily on her.

She walked to Diana and spotted something interesting.


Aaron sat alone as his mind was in a mess. The feeling in him. He hates it so much he wanted to rip his own heart out and burn it.

Like why the fuck did he defend her huh? When he was the same person who punished her.

"Maybe I should fuck another woman" he muttered and stood immediately. He grabbed one of the maid in the hallway and vanished into his room.

The maid whimpered in fear as it happened so fast. Before she knew it, her cloths were gone and she was on the bed with a demon.

Aaron began to kiss her roughly not minding how she struggled to breath.

He immediately dipped his finger into her down part and she cried in pain since she wasn't wet enough.

His finger went in and out of her in a fast way possible while his teeth working roughly of her neck.

He stopped and turned her around positioning himself at her entrance.

"My Lor..." She couldn't finish her words Aaron shut her up by slamming himself inside her.

"Ahh!!!!!" She screamed so loud it irritated Aaron. His hand moved to her lips and he drew his face close to her ear.

"Scream again and I'll break your fucking neck" he warned.

"Let her go" he heard a deep voice and he turned his head just to see Cassiel standing in the middle of his room.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to interfere whenever I'm pleasuring myself?" Aaron asked without letting the girl go.

"How many time do I have to tell you not to abuse innocent girls. This is the palace not Berlin"

Aaron growled letting the girl go. "You have no fucking right to ask me what to do" he said.

"Same here" Cassiel said tossing the girl's cloths to her.

The girl was about to wear her cloths when a cold voice stop her.

"Move and I'll kill you" Aaron warned turning his golden eyes to her. She stopped and bow her head.

Cassiel snapped his hand and the girl turned deaf temporarily.

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