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She was in pain, but so was I and it pained me even more knowing that there was nothing I could do to make it go away.
I couldn't ease her pain, she had no idea how hurt I was seeing her like that and not being able to hold her in my arms, to kiss the pain away. Slowly I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder, she wouldn't even look at me because she thought I hated her, that I was disgusted by her, by what we had, but it wasn't true.
"Shalom please... Don't think like that, I'll always love you but we can't.. We.. You know we shouldn't.. .we're.. I am your.. "I couldn't even get myself to say it, we were related by blood, her father and my father were brothers, how was I supposed to deal with that?.
Shalom sniffed then slowly sat upright and turned to look at me, her eyes wet and puffy.
"Are you?? Are you saying that we? It's over? "She asked.

Unable to speak, I just nodded my head. We couldn't be together anymore, it was done, our fates had been sealed.
Not wanting to see her so broken for another minute I rushed out of the room and went to my chambers, shutting myself inside and letting the tears fall. How could this be happening?? I had our future all planned out and now everything was shattered and I remained hopeless, I didn't know what to do.

Shalom was given something to eat then she laid down to sleep again. The next morning Arthur came to pick her up with his guards.

"What was my sister doing here in the first place? ".Arthur questioned me.

"I.. Ahh.. "Shalom had told me that the information she had shared was a secret her mother had entrusted to her and she wasn't supposed to tell anyone, I also knew that her brother knew nothing about our relationship, if I told him about it and he told his father I knew it would bring chaos. "I really don't know, you'll have to ask her ".I told him and tried to seem calm and confidence.

Arthur studied me for a minute then spoke up again.

"I did some digging.. You attended the same university as Shalom.. Did you two know each other ?" he questioned
"Not really.. Maybe I saw her around but I never paid attention ".I said, what was he getting at??.

"Junior told me that she had a man in her life but she didn't tell him a name or introduce the two... "

"What has that got to do with anything? ".I asked, I was now getting defensive.

"You separated her from the rest of us during the attack "

"I wanted to use her to make your father comply ".

"Okay, let's cut the crap. I know that there's something between you two, I saw your reaction when you saw her and am warming you, you may be king and I just a Prince but I will not watch you hurt and use her, stay away from her. You two will never be "he warned me

"I know, trust me I know we can never be and hurting her is the last thing I want to do ..just take her home and take good care of her " I told him and he looked into my eyes searchingly then sighed and relaxed.

"Good bye king Eric, and thank you for letting us know she was here ".he said and walked out.

The days which followed were really really difficult for me and all I wanted to do was drink and block everything out, but I couldn't, I was a king, I had responsibilities, I had a kingdom to run. So all I did was work on my martial arts in the private gym I had set up inside. Working out helped me release some stress and dumb the pain for a while.

Shalom never reached out again and even though I knew that it was for the best I really missed her terribly and sometimes I would cry myself to sleep looking at her pictures, being with her felt so right and yet it was wrong, we couldn't. And even though we couldn't be together I still couldn't stay single. My heart wasn't ready to love another but my people were demanding for a Queen and the council kept on pressuring me.

"You've been a king for six months now, am not getting younger, I want to see your rule cemented with an heir on the way before I die" my grandmother said to me.

"I know what's required of me granny, I heart isn't ready, I don't think it will ever be ready ".I told her honestly

"You're a King, a King rarely marries for love, get a wife who will be fit to rule besides you and give you children, along the way if you happen to love again you can make her your second wife or your mistress ".she said and I groaned. Me?? Getting a second wife and mistress?? Over my dead body. I sighed and leaned back, I knew I had to marry, it was a duty.

"Have the ball arranged and just, pick whoever you will, I really don't care "I said and closed my eyes, my heart just wanted Shalom, it was calling out to her and not being with her was draining me physically.

"At least pick on your own, choose someone who will be pleasing to your eyes" granny advised.

If only she knew what I was feeling, I would never feel anything ever again for any other person, not even attraction.
A week later everyone was gathered in the banquet halls enjoying the party while I sat bored out of my mind, just praying for the night to end already. I saw mum come towards me with a light skinned chubby girl who was smiling and avoiding eye contact.

"Son... "

"Mother.. "

"This is Nikiwe.. Her mother was one of the women who helped your grandmother train me, "she introduced and the girl curtsied respectfully.

"Good evening your majesty, it is an honor to be invited here and a rare privilege to stand before you" she said and I just looked at her with no interest at all.

But I knew that I had to get this over with.

"You're so beautiful and's a rare treat to have such a proper and well-groomed woman stand before me, "I said with a plastic smile and Nikita smiled broadly.

"You flatter me your majesty "she blushed

"Does this mean the king is pleased with the Queen mother's choice and recommendation? "Mum asked with a big smile

"Yeah, sure "I said casually and she didn't hesitate to make the announcement.
Since I had delayed to marry, everything was being rushed and that very night Nikita and I got engaged. The wedding would be in two weeks time.
With the night over I finally retired to my room only to find a small box with a note on my bed. Wondering who had left it and how they got in, I opened the box and found two watches, one for male and other female. They were really beautiful and probably priceless. I picked the note and opened it.

"Congratulations on your engagement, she's really pretty... "I read the note and my eyes welled up, she was there?? Shalom had come and I hadn't even gotten the chance to see her again.?? I held the watches in my hands and tears fell, on our one year anniversary I had bought us cheap wrist watches and promised whatever happened, time would always bring us back together. Why did she give me such a gift? What was she trying to say to me??.

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