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The next two days were filled with anxiety ,I really wanted to leave that place and I prayed that Joshua would come through for me. Amina wasn't banished, neither was she beheaded but she was just chased from the main palace and taken to the quarters built for mistresses, and of course Hakeem was there every night comforting her because now she only had one maid to do everything for her, the poor maid. Hakeem would try to check on me too but I always shoved him away and locked the door, I didn't want to hear any excuses or speeches, he had really hurt me and I hated him .

The day finally came and Joshua told me his plan, he would call all the guards to the training ground to officially introduce them to Hakeem, this hadn't been done in the few months he had been back home. With the guards occupied by Hakeem I would slip away without much trouble.
The moment I heard that all the guards had been gathered I rushed out and ran for the gate but there was one guard standing there, there was no way I was going back and let this moment pass. Looking around in thought I noticed a big stick and picked it up then hid it behind as I approached the guard.
"Good evening princess Kira "he bowed in greeting and with his eyes looking down he didn't even see me bring out the stick and hit him on the head. I was sorry that I had knocked him out but it was a necessary evil. Quickly I got his keys and unlocked the gate then ran away until I found an abandoned hut where Joshua had told me he would hide a change of clothes and some money. He had packed a black trousers, a blue T-shirt and a hood with sneakers and a cape. I tied my hair back and put everything on, I looked like a man, a very curvy man but this disguise might just work. Getting the money and putting it in my pockets I left the hut and hurried to the side of the road where I found a van, it was the last vehicle and it had potatoes which were to be delivered to a kingdom just past the turn-off for Liam's kingdom, at that moment that was the only safe place I could think of. Disguising my voice I paid the driver and he let me lie down next to the potato bags. As soon as the car started off I felt relieved and was relaxed enough to rest until we reached the turn off, the time was past midnight and everything was quiet.
"Are you sure you want me to leave you here? ".the man asked as I dropped off at the turn-off.
"Yes, I'll be okay "I said as I looked around, I was the only person around and as the van disappeared into the night leaving me alone I shuddered and hugged myself tighter.
It was scary but I knew I had to do it, if I was to die at least I would die trying so I started walking down the dusty road surrounded by trees and tall grass, whenever I heard a sound I would hide in the bushes. I walked all night long and by the time I arrived at the castle gates the sun was rising, I was tired, thirsty and hungry, and very sweaty too. I had never been this exhausted in my life.
"Who are you? "The castle guard questioned me.
"I am here to see the king "I said to him, I didn't want anyone to know I was here yet and thankfully the man didn't seem to recognize me at all.
"For what?"He questioned as he stared at me, I looked like a beggar.
"Is it wrong to want to speak to my king?"I asked with a firm but not stubborn or arrogant voice. The man thought about it for a minute then called to another person who dragged me inside and made me kneel in front of the throne
"Don't move, the king will be here shortly "he ordered and I remained on my knees until Liam walked into the throne room looking refreshed and well rested ,he sat on his throne and addressed me.
"What matter would you wish to bring to my attention ?"he asked and I slowly raised my head to look at him, his eyes widened as he recognized me but he kept his composure.
"It is a sensitive and private matter my lord ".I spoke
"Leave us "Liam told his guards
"But your majesty.. "One of them tried to protest
"that was an order "he said firmly and they bowed then walked out. As soon as the doors closed he rushed down to me and I stood up as he hugged me.
"What happened to you? "He asked me as he removed the cap and hood which was covering my head.
"Its a long story.. But right now I need water "I said wearily
"Of course.. "
Before I knew it there was activity all around me, after having a glass of water I was taken to the guest chambers where I took a much needed long warm bath then I was given some clothes which I figured belonged to his sister, she had curves but mine were bigger and so the dress was tight.
Having dressing up, I was ushered to the dining area and served heavy breakfast which I ate with pleasure, I hadn't enjoyed a meal in days. After my breakfast the maid who had been attending to me gave me a tour of the castle, she said Liam was in a meeting and would soon join me. By the time Liam appeared again it was lunch time and I was invited to eat with him. It was then that I told him what had happened
"She tried to kill you and he pardons her? "He was enraged "that's unacceptable! Why didn't you send word? I could have sent someone to bring you ".
"I couldn't communicate with anyone outside the palace, Hakeem wouldn't let me, I couldn't even talk to my mother "I explained and Liam sympathized with me.
"I cannot believe they treated you like a mere nobody, this ends now deserve so much better and if only you'd let me then I would treat you like the Queen you are" he spoke charmingly and I couldn't help blushing, he was so sweet and sensitive and he knew exactly what he wanted.
"I really am flattered but am afraid Hakeem won't give up without a fight, he doesn't want me but he won't let go either" I pointed out and Liam smiled at me assuredly
"Do not worry about Hakeem, he is just a prince.. I will deal with this "he told me and his words were so calming I couldn't help relaxing, somehow I knew things would be better here than they ever were in my home but I also knew the new life wouldn't come easily, a price had to be paid. After lunch Liam wanted to officially introduce me to the servants and his family but I refused. It was too soon to start making any introductions when I didn't even know where things stood. My decision to run away was risky and if Hakeem had his way it could lead to war, this was something I hated because I knew that Liam's army couldn't go up against the army Hakeem would bring, he would surely have Liam beheaded, take his kingdom and drag me back home.
"What is eating you up? "Liam asked me, while we had to flower garden they had a beautiful orchard and we were taking a walk.
"I just can't help thinking about the possible consequences of my actions. I don't want to cost you your crown or your life "I told him and he grabbed my hand then kissed my knuckles.
"Stop worrying too much, Hakeem and his father underestimate me just like every other kingdom around.if it comes to war I am not the one who will lose"he said with confidence.
"Hopefully it won't come to that "I said with a sigh and looked ahead. Had I done the right thing?? I couldn't help wondering.

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