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On a Saturday after lunch I went to sit in the garden like I always do on lazy days, I was halfway through the second chapter when a newly hired maid brought me a glass of juice, Kiki had gone to visit her parents. I absent mindedly accepted the glass and was about to take a sip when someone stopped me, I looked up to find Joshua looking at the maid suspiciously
“Let her take a sip first said Joshua
I looked up at him confused, did he think the poor thing had put something in my drink?
"its standard safety protocol.." he added when he saw me hesitating and then got the glass and handed it to the girl "take a sip" he instructed and the girl looked at me as if lost and scared but I couldn't say anything so she slowly took a sip then handed me the glass
"Satisfied?" I asked Joshua rhetorically and took a sip then put the glass down. I felt a burning sensation on my throat, I cleared my throat and looked at the glass then suddenly Joshua dragged me up
"We have to take you to a physician right now" he spoke hurriedly, I didn't understand why he sounded panicked until I looked down and saw the poor girl collapsed on the ground with blood coming out of her mouth.
"Shouldn't we help her first?" I asked, my throat burning up and my head feeling dizzy. I held onto Joshua and he called for more guards, I was passed out before they even arrived.
When I opened my eyes I found myself laying down in my chambers, there were two guards at the door, a doctor checking the drip which was hooked to my hand and Hakeem pacing back and forth.
"What...happened?" I asked as I tried to sit upright, my throat still sore but a little better. Hakeem rushed to my side and put pillows behind my back so that I could be more comfortable
"you were poisoned, thankfully Joshua brought you in before it was too late" he explained to me and got a damp facecloth then put it on my sweaty forehead. I was poisoned?? how? who? I couldnt really believe it, my head wouldn't process the information.
"the she?" I didn't even know what to ask
"she was revived and questioned, we got her confession but she slipped into a coma, she wasn't attended to quick enough"he told me,
of course, Joshua had been so focused on me he didn't even seem to care about the poor thing.
"the confession, what did she say?" I asked
"thats not important right now, just rest and wait for the poison to be flushed out of your system" he said, avoiding eye contact as he passed me a glass of water.
"don't I deserve to know who tried to kill me?" I questioned him
"please let us not talk about this right now ,it will only make you upset" he said, he sounded hurt and sad at the same time, like he was having to heated debate within himself.
"Fine, I'll find out sooner or later"I said and turned my back on him. Hakeem put his hand on my shoulder and I heard him sigh.
"Am so sorry Kira, I never meant for you to get hurt "he whispered and I felt like he was talking from far away as my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off into sleep thanks to the medicine.
When I woke up again the room was empty. Slowly I removed the drip and got out of the gown I had been made to wear. I put on a loose knee length dress and opened the door only to find two guards standing there.
"Princess, you're up"one said, he looked at the other and they were both confused, they didn't know whether to stop me or not.
"Where's everyone? "I asked
"In the throne room "the other answered and looked down "but we were instructed not to let anyone come in or out ".he continued and I scoffed.
"I am not a prisoner.. Am feeling better now and there's no need for me to stay in bed" I said and stubbornly walked past them, quietly they followed me.
Before I could even make my way into the throne room I heard arguing and pleading
"Father please.. She is pregnant and has no one.. Spare her, she will not do something like this again" I heard Hakeem's voice.
"She tried to kill her fellow wife.She needs to be punished, she can be beheaded or banished for this "the king barked furiously
So Amina tried to kill me?? I seriously thought she was all bark and no bite but I guess I was wrong, the lady was insane.
"My lord, calm down please, she is with child, and that child may be the only heir. We know that Hakeem hasn't been with Kira..."This was the Queen
"And I never will be.. If you kill or banish Amina just know that after I die the kingdom will fall apart with no heirs, you don't even have a sibling. Your mistress's children will fight and tear this place apart" Hakeem warned.
Was he seriously defending her after what she tried to do?? Filled with rage I barged inside and all eyes turned to me.
"Kira! you should be in bed resting" said Hakeem and he rushed to me but I shoved him away as tears blinded me.
"How could you??!!"I shouted "even after she tried to kill me you're still defending her??? Well am done, if I spend one more minute in this place I swear am gonna kill myself "I said as I furiously wiped my tears and turned to the king. "If Amina will not face the punishment tradition demands for her crime then I demand that you set me free from this marriage "I said and I meant it.
"You're not well.. Guards, escort her to her chambers" the king instructed and I was escorted out. I was really enraged and felt like I should strangle someone, just because she was pregnant she was being exempted from her punishment, this was ridiculous, the woman had tried to kill me. I couldn't just sit anymore, it wasn't worth it.
So that evening I pretended to be out taking a stroll in the garden then once the guard was distracted I snuck away and found myself knocking on Joshua's chambers, he was the only one who could help me escape that prison people called a palace. Joshua opened the door then looked around in shock as I entered without saying a word.
"Princess, what's going on?"He asked as he studied me, my eyes were already misty.
"I need your help, I cannot stay here any longer. Amina tried to kill me and yet no one is doing anything about it, Hakeem doesn't even care. If I stay here I might murder her, or worse, kill myself "I said and a gasp escaped Joshua's mouth
"Do not talk like that princess "he said to me
"But I mean it Joshua, my mind is having evil thoughts, I need to leave, please help me" I said and went down on my knees but he hurriedly lifted me up
"Please don't kneel before me, am just a servant.. "He said to me "where will you go?" he asked me
"Just help me get out of the palace and am gonna be okay " I said to him and he slowly nodded,.
"Give me a day or two to figure out how to help you without raising too much suspicion "he said and I hugged him.
"Thank you so much Joshua ".Finally there was some hope for escape.

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