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"Babe, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?" I asked as I put my phone in my pocket and walked towards him.
"I wanted it to be a surprise. How about you? Any surprises for me?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow and from him mentioning a prince the moment I stepped inside I knew the rumors had reached him.
Sighing, I sat next to him on the bed and looked at him.
"I love you Eric and am not interested in the prince" I assured him
"So it’s true, there’s a prince" he stated and I looked down
"My father is trying to arrange my marriage, there’s this party and he demands I attend with prince Henry" I had no choice but to tell him the truth, half of it atleast.
“Why haven’t you told him that you’re already with me?" he questioned me.
"My father is not a reasonable man, he’s set in his ways. But I promise you, I will tell him at the party and I don't care if he gets mad, I know my mother will support me" I said, hoping I was right.

Eric stared at me in silence for almost five minutes then he sighed and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer and kissing my lips.
"I love you and I don’t want to lose you babe, tell that prince to back off before I make him leave you alone" he said and I blushed, it was so hot when he became overprotective.
"how bold of you, threatening a prince"
I couldn’t help teasing him and he chuckled.
"trust me baby, it's not just an empty threat" he said and pulled me down on the bed where we lay on our sides facing each other.
"how was your trip?"
"it was eye opening, I need to go back again this weekend" 
he informed me
"what's going on there?."
I was anxious to know, did he inherit some property or something? And why wasn’t he telling me?
"just some traditional stuff, getting to know my people" he gave me a vague answer and I did not like it.
"You better tell me what's going on Eric." I spoke seriously and sat upright  "is your granny arranging a girl for you? I dont wanna be left in the dark while you're there paying bride price and having some traditional wedding behind my back"

Eric laughed and snaked his arm around my chest then pulled me down on the bed and turned to hover over me
"Babe, you know you're the only one for me, come hell or high waters you will be my wife and we're gonna live happily ever after" he promised and I couldn’t help smiling as he leaned forward and kissed my lips, lightly at first and then he kissed me more hungrily and bit my lower lip making me gasp and allow him to slip his tongue into my mouth, eliciting a moan out of me as I  wrap my arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much" he said in between the kissing and the moaning.
"Two days felt like weeks" I responded as I felt him pull down my running shorts then his hand went up under my shirt and stroked my nipple


I was a mess as he started massaging my breast making me bite my lower lip.
"come on baby, just skip it" he suggested in a groan and started leaving love bites all over my neck, his hardening cock rubbing up against me.
“Mmmmmm, you’re so lucky I missed you" I said and he chuckled then pulled my shirt off of me.
"I promise I’ll make it worth your while" he said with a smirk and took his shirt off, tossing it away on the floor.
Prince Henry was standing at the door with his guard and maiden. Even though Shalom had told him to just pick whatever outfit he wanted, he just couldn’t do it, he knew there were a lot of princes eyeing shalom, wanting to be allies with the most powerful and rich kingdom.
"knock" he ordered the maiden and she did likewise, no one came out after the first knock so she kept on knocking until the door was jerked wide open.
"What the fuck?" a shirtless Eric was standing staring at the man standing before him.
"who are you?" Henry asked with a frown.
Eric, realizing who the person was, grabbed him by his neck and pinned him against the wall, his guard tried intervening but Eric knocked him out with one kick to the head, the maid started screaming.
"now listen to me you little punk" Henry was holding Eric’s hand, trying to make him loosen his grip so that he could breath. "Stay away from my girl, she doesn’t want you, she's with me and wants nothing to do with you"

Hearing the screams outside, Shalom quickly put on a robe and rushed out to see what the commotion was all about.
"Oh my gosh Eric! What are you doing?"
she pulled him away and Henry went down on his knees trying to catch his breath.
"If he values his life he shouldn’t show his face here ever again" warned Eric and he stormed back inside.

Shalom sighed and squatted down
"I am so sorry Henry," she apologized and helped him up  "you really shouldn’t have come here"
"is that the reason you have been acting cold towards me?" he asked her and she just looked down, the maid was trying to revive the guard
"am sorry Henry but..."
"you are not a pure maiden anymore, do your parents know? Do you know what this reputation would do to you? To your family?" he questioned her and her eyes became watery  "if you marry me, no one has to know that you have been sleeping around, I will keep your secret...see you at the Ball" he said and turned to leave, the guard and maid followed.

Shalom wiped the single tear which had fallen and walked back inside to find Eric pacing back and forth.
"he's gone" she said softly
"he better stay away from you" said Eric angrily  "if your father wants you to marry a prince then I’ll give him something better, I’ll give him a king" said Eric
"what are you talking about?" asked a confused shalom
"just...trust me" he said and walked into the bathroom.

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