Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"I feel wonderful, because I see the, love light in her eyes,

then the wonder of it all, is that you just don't realize

how much I love you..."

There was his voice again; muffled and far away as I kept sinking away from the light.

"It's time to go home now,

and I've got an aching head.

so I gave her the car keys,

and she helps me to bed..."

My body couldn't move against the mass and the fall felt like it was going faster. Too fast for me to realize I was falling until I felt my body slam onto a flat surface.

Then, my eyes had shot open into a new light. Dim and warm.

"and then I tell her, as I turn out the light,

I say, 'My Darlin' you were wonderful tonight...'"

His voice...

My eyes moved to the sound of his voice, finding my lover singing into my pale hand.

"'Oh My Darlin'... you were wonderful tonight.'"

Michael... it's Michael... isn't it?

I look at my surroundings, seeing how warm the light made this room look. It was inviting, too inviting compared to all worlds I've been through.

Was this another trick? For fucks sake if it was another trick-- how much longer do I have take this sense of false hope?

Michael lifts his forehead away from my hand, staring at the door for only a moment when he turns to look at me. Shock hit him suddenly, dropping my hand from his grip and rushing to my face to take a closer look.

"You're awake!" He sobs through his beautiful smile. "Oh thank god you're awake."

His lips felt real as he leans in to kiss my lips, but something didn't feel right. Something was going to happen and I didn't know what.

"Sweetheart, why aren't you kissing back?" He nervously laughs, stroking my face as if he were mending a broken toy. "Why aren't you saying anything?"

His baggy eyes looked so incredibly tired. His skin looked dull and dry, his beard even looked different. It wasn't stubble anymore, but a grown in beard that looked really weird.

This is Michael right?

"Baby," His voice cracks. "Please say something, anything."

My fingers curiously reached out to his beard, stroking it to confirm if it was actually there. they were small-ish, but they were there from how soft it felt against my skin.

"Darlin'." He takes my hand into his again, "I'm going to be right back okay?"

Back? What do you mean you'll be back?!

"Don't worry." He says. "I'm just going to get the nurse is all--."

No! No don't leave!

He's gunna leave, and if he leaves, where will the dreams take me next?!

"Darlin'?" His voice now sounded alert. "H-hey, easy on the breaths, you're scarin' me."

I clutched onto his hand tightly, bringing it close to my face as I refuse to let him go. A beeping noise started to pick up, causing concern for Michael and calling in a nurse by shouting. Not even a moment later, a nurse came in to quickly take my vitals.

"You need to let go of her hand sir." She says. " I need to check her heartbeat."

"it's not me, it's her! I was just about to come get you when she started to panic!"

Don't leave. My breathes quivered. Please don't leave.

"Miss, do you know where you are?" She presses a cold metal disk on my chest. "Can you answer for me?"

Do they not now where I am? If they don't know, they how would I? I mean, I'm in a room right?

She asks me the same question again, waiting for me to answer when My eyes noticed the tv's flashing lights in the corner of the room.

"Tonight on the Seattle report; we bring you update on the court case against Blake Hartley, son of one of the most wealthiest families in Washington state. He has been on trial for a week for stalking, kidnapping and attempted murder to his ex-partner Winter Adams. From what we know, she is currently recovering but her lawyer, Brittney George, has fought for her case."

The next video transitions onto the screen, my breath being taken away at the sight of Blake behind the table with his own lawyers. He too was also beaten into a pulp, from what? I don't know.

"Has the jury reached a unanimous verdict?" A female judge asks.

"We have your honor," A middle aged man rises from his seat to read from his paperwork. "We, the Jury, find the defendant, Guilty. Two counts for attempted Second-Degree murder and One count for harassment."

"Not only was Blake found guilty for two attempted murders and for harassment and stalking towards Miss Adams, but another victim by the Name of Mia Grenshaw has come forward to make her statement as not only a witness for Miss Adams, but to speak her truth."

Another clip transitions into view showing Mia behind the stand in a regal up-do, clean suit, and a confident stance.

"He uh... He forced me into this relationship, blackmailed me to stay in the relationship with inappropriate photos I did not consent for him to take. I was not conscious a the time when those photos were taken or when he decided to take advantage of me that night after the family outing. He pushed that blackmail after I was tricked by him and Laura Miller to bring Winter to the church where the city council was having their meeting. The last threat that was put on my shoulders was, if I stepped foot onto his private property on Bainbridge Island or looked for him by asking his family and friends, I would be killed."

"Not only does he have to pay the price for the damage he caused to Winter Adams, but now justice has been added on further punishment for his crime." The news reporter's voice over says. "40 years for 2 counts of second degree murder, 4 years for blackmail, 12 years for Sexual Assault, 8 years for Kidnapping. To this very day, we still working on an update for Miss Laura Miller who claims she is also a victim by Blake Hartley. As for other Victims by Blake Hartley, they have also come forth at the Hartley Academy demanding compensation for his crimes. Back to you Sandra."

Fucking asshole... If only I had the strength to kill him. But no. I had to be weak. I had to take it all. The pain, the taunts, everything. Why didn't I end him when I had the chance? I had the knife in my hands and then...

"Baby, you're crushing my hand." Michael warns. "Calm yourself please."

"Miss Adams, I need you to answer my questions." The nurse says. "I'm afraid you aren't coherent and if that's the case, I'm going to give you something to relax you until the doctor can come see you."

A relaxant? As in to sleep? I look up at her in fear. I don't want to go back to sleep! No!

"No!" I shout at her. "No! No! No! I don't want it!"

"Winter, calm down!"

"No!" I scream at Michael. "I don't want to sleep! I don't want to sleep!"

I was already bolting out of the bed, trying to get past Michael's way when he easily pins me down back on the cot.

"Michael please! NO!" I cried. "Don't leave me!"

"Darlin' I ain't leaving!" He sobs. "Please, You need to calm down!"

"How?! You're not even here! You're never here! I just want you to come back!"

Suddenly, My muscles had given up on fighting back. My mind started to feel fuzzy and his words began to fade away.

"Don't... go..." I pleaded. "Not again..."

"I'm sorry Darlin'... I'm so sorry...." '     

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