Chapter Eight

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I chose to go with him.

I packed up my things, cleaned up my area and left the empty building to his comforting car.

To our luck, there wasn't anybody outside the parking lot to make our getaway difficult; but I still felt anxious knowing that the last time I was in this metal bubble with him, I was drunk and obnoxious. This time, I'm sober and fully coherent to remember anything that could happen.

"I don't mean to sound arrogant for asking," He starts. "but I'd like to know. How long have you had these feelings for me?"

Here comes the dreadful interview questions.

"Um... I noticed you in English I." I blushed. "It wasn't until this term that I started to feel more."

"I see." He says. "So pretty recent."

I nodded.

"Thank you for your honesty."

"Will you report me to my counselor?" I asked, my heart pounding at the thought of possible expulsion.

"No." He shakes his head. "I don't think you should be suffering a consequence for that. If we think about it, is it 'morally' wrong? Yes. But is it wrong for an everyday person to fall in love so long as it's legal and consensual? No."

Was it really that taboo for two adults with different rolls to consider a possible relationship at school?

"Why is it morally wrong?" I ask.

"Students at the academy come to learn just as Professors come to teach. We want to provide the knowledge that Students yearn just like our Professors passed it down to us. Faculty, Parents, even some Students, rely on trusting on one another in times of learning, encouragement or in certain critical events. Now, imagine that trust being broken when a professor and a student are caught in a controversial act. That type of news would spread like a wildfire. Not only would it ruin the Student's and Professor's reputations, but also the school entirely. The Parent trusts us to help our pupils achieve their goals just as the Faculty counts on us to maintain our reputation. It might sound strict, but wether you are at a academy, University, community college, whatever it maybe be; it is a sacred place and needs to have the upmost respect."

I never saw it that way before. To think that I show up just to get something out of it, but for others it's a passion to learn. It's... pretty inspiring.

"However," He continues. "Just because we have our certain titles, I don't believe it should withhold us from love. We're only human. We feel what we feel; but do you see why it's not right in a educational setting?"

"I do."

"But?" He lifts a brow.

"But what?"

He taps his lips with his index finger. "You do that lip thing when you have a thought in process."

"That lip thing?" I blushed. "I-I don't have a lip thing!"

"You do." He chuckles. "You scrunch up your lips when you have an opposing thought."

"No I don't!" I giggled. "Shut up!"

"You can deny it all you want Darlin', but the proof is there. So the question is, are you going to tell me or not?"

Maybe, if you stopped looking at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"It's not important." I looked down at my picked cuticles.

"I still want to know." He pressed. "Please?"

Oh god. Did he really have to say it like that?

"Well..." I start. "Just do you know, it's just the romantic in me talking. My views on romance are very novel-ish and movie-like so feel free to knock me back down to earth—"

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