Chapter Fifty-Six

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We stopped at a local diner for a small meal before heading back towards the rainy road.

Personally, I didn't want to leave this town. It was so small and quaint, there was nothing special about it besides being part of a famous novel. It was boring, but in a way, I kind of liked it that way. To be away from the city and the drama, it was pretty refreshing.

If what Michael was true and wanted to settle down with me in the future; maybe if he was open to teaching at the near by high school, we could definitely afford a home out here.

Heck, we could probably buy a place similar to the vampire home if we wanted. But would he be okay with it being all the way out here?

Thinking of Michael,

Must be a long line in the bathroom or something... I prop my chin on the yellow diner table. I'm so ready to go home now, I'm so fucking tired, I need a long nap and protective warm snuggles.

I take in a big inhale, smiling at the thought of cuddling next to his warm chest. I can still smell the scent of his cologne; fresh aqua and almost citrus-y, it made my heart ache for some reason. Almost as if I missed him but, he wasn't far away from me. He is in the bathroom...

"Oh gosh." An older woman's voice caught my attention next to me.

She completely took me by surprise from how close she stood propped next to me.

"I'm so sorry Sweetie," She groans. "Do you mind if I sit here for a moment? I don't have my cane and I'm just so tired walking from the van."

She looks like she's going to fall over, not even her trembling hand could keep her standing straight for long.

"Of course! Here, let me help." I offered her a hand.

Without hesitation, she took it into hers.

I helped her slide easily into the booth, pushing her hand up with my strength and she pushed down to gently take a seat. With a loud sigh, her back sunk comfortably into a hunch.

Dang... I stretched out both my aching arms. Either she was really strong or I'm just getting weaker. I really should start working out soon.

"Oh... much better..." She groans. "I'm so sorry to suddenly come into your personal space."

"It's no trouble at all." I smile at her. "Would you like me to get you anything?"

"You're too kind," She smiles back. "but I'm alright thank you."

Something about her face looked so familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it, but the smile in her eyes just made me feel like I knew her. How was that even possible when I clearly don't.

"I heard the food is very good here." She comments. "Have you tried it?"

I shook my head at her, stifling a yawn from the hard wave of tired. "I haven't, It's my first time too."

"I see." She says. "Well, let's hope the word is true."

We awkwardly sat in silence for a minute, my leg bouncing anxiously for Michael to return when she sighs,

"Where is Frank? He did say that he only had to check under the hood but now I wonder if it's another car issue."

"I think I saw a mechanic shop near by," I said. "if you like, I can have my boyfriend take your husband there."

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