Chapter Fifty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Don't trouble yourself with us dear." She giggles. "My Frank is very much a do-it-yourself man. If anything, he'll have what we need in the trunk. I just hope it won't take us long to get back on the road."

"I feel that." I said. "I hope my boyfriend comes back soon so we can order. I'm so ready to go home now."

"Home?" She lifts a bald brow.

"Yeah, back in Seattle." I smile at the thought of us back at his apartment. "We had a great vacation but I'm sure his cat misses us. I can only imagine how angry she must be for leaving her with his aunt."

"Oh." She blinks. "I see now. You do need to get back home then."


Her eyes trail from the crown of my head and down to my waist, then back up again to meet my eyes once more.

"Take care of yourself Dear." She smiles. "I know things have been very hard for you, and I know there have been moments that you wanted to give up. But you're too young to give up on life and what it has to offer. Not to mention, how would Michael feel if you were gone?"

The sound of his name took me by surprise.

"How did--? I don't think I said his name during our conversation--."

"I think you are a good fit for him." She continues. "Beautiful, Kind, Modest; I'm sure Michael loves all those things about you too. You have to stay strong not just for him, but for you too. Sometimes, you just got to take that bull by the horns."

What in the world is happening? How did she know my name? How did she know Michael? Maybe it was just a coincidence? it only makes sense right?

"Oh! Where are my manners?" She turns slightly to hold out a frail hand for me. "My name is Mrs. Chapman. Esther Chapman. It's very lovely to meet you Winter."

My heart started to beat uncontrollably fast, followed by the nervous tremble in my hand as I went to shake hers.

"A-hah." I nervously let out a laugh. "That's funny. Michael's Grandmother's name is also Esther, except she passed away long ago--."

"From Cancer." She nods with a smile. "You're looking at her Winter."

It can't be true...

I look down at her hand, noticing how it was almost ghost like compared to how solid my hand looked against hers. When the sound of the diner's door bells caught my attention, My heart swelled at the sight of the grumpy old man I grew attached to.

Same veterans hat he wore everywhere, his shoulder length salt and pepper hair tied back, his horseshoe mustache trimmed to perfection as always, and he wore the same cream puffed vest under his thermal. No doubt in my mind it was him.


He looks over in my direction, a smile growing on his face as he walked over to our table.

"My girl." He says. "My wife."

"Help me sit down on the other side Dear." Esther says. "I'm sure Winter is itching to get a hug from you before she goes."

And she was right. The second Frank helped Esther on the other side of our table, he took me in his arms for a long comforting hug.

I used to hate the smell of marijuana from how nauseous it made me feel, but I know that Frank smoked it for the pain he had to push through on a day to day. In a way, I learned to love the smell because it reminded me of him.

I tried so hard not to cry; hell, I wasn't even sure why I was crying at all, but I couldn't help it from the way he patted my aching back.

"I thought y-you went with Michael's m-mom back home." I sobbed. "H-h-how are you here?!"

"My Girl, do you even know where you are?"

What does that even mean? I hiccuped. Of course I knew where I was. I was at the Diner waiting for Michael so we could leave...


"Winter," he says more firmly as my stomach started to feel uneasy. "do you know where you are?"

He releases me from his embrace, holding me by my trembling shoulders as to see my reaction. All the different types of emotions that kept hitting me over and over; I felt like I needed to vomit any second from the escalating nausea.

"I-I'm at the diner." I stifled a burp. "Fuck... I don't feel so good. Does it feel cold to you Gramps? I feel... I feel really cold."

He sighs, pressing his lips as to figure out what to say next.

"Winter Dear," Esther pats the table. "You should have a seat. There's something we'd like to tell you."

I do as she says, feeling lightheaded as my body gave into the seat with little energy. I watched frank take a seat next to his wife, holding her hand as to prepare for the worst to come.

My heart began to beat quickly. My palms were damp with sweat and my neck felt so sore.

What was happening to me?

"Honey," Esther starts. "Michael was never here. At least, not right now on this plane. You were correct when you said I was dead; I am in fact that Esther my grandson has told you about."

She tugs down on her beautiful brown head scarf, revealing her bald head from the chemo she had to get done.

"I'm glad my little crazy monkey has finally found you. Please take good care of him for us."

If she were dead as she claims to be, then Frank...

I missed his hospital visit. I missed his death. I missed the funeral.

"I had to go to My Girl." He says calmly to me. "I'm sorry I had to leave you and My boy so suddenly. I hope you can both forgive me. And for heaven's sake, tell that boy to get some rest. He's going to end up becoming a bitter old man like is grandpa if he doesn't take care of himself."

Then, a strong painful pulse radiated through out my chest; crushing my heart and making it difficult to breathe.

"Easy breaths my Dear." Esther took a hold of my clammy fists on the table. "The pain should pass quickly."

"P-Pain?! W-wait!"

The strong crush came and went every few seconds, weakening my mind within each tidal wave. Every time I was in a numbed state of mind thinking it was finally over, It quickly went back to more unbearable pain.

Flashes of a surgery room revealed itself to me behind my squeezed eyelids.

There was blood on everyones gloved hands. So many people working and shouting random words as they passed one sterile tool to the next person. My body arched against the metal defibrillators, forcing my heart to start again and again when finally, the pain stopped.

I could nearly open my heavy eyelids as the diner started to fade away into the bright ivory light.

"We love you Kiddos." Esther's voice echoed, watching them wave back at me as I was being dragged away from the table.

I reached out my aching hand for Michael Grandparents, begging for more time to be with them when Frank's voice chimed after his wife's.

"So long My Girl, your grandmother says hello and to take care."  

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