72. Leverage

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Hayley heard Rickon's little whimpers and she moved to the cells but she was blocked. She startled back unable to pass. She pressed out a hand. It felt like an invisible boundary. She knelt down confused and saw the black ash that had to be mountain ash.

In westeros they had lore and legends of werewolves and that mountain ash kept them out, maybe it worked, maybe it was a spell, Hayley didnt know, but she knew Rickon was down there.

Cersei had her leverage to keep Hayley quiet, to keep her from screaming bastard, from revealing what she heard but Hayley didnt like it. Rickon?


'What do you want?'' Ned demanded.

''When I was still a boy before they cut my balls off with a hot knife I traveled with a group of actors through the free cities they taught me that each man has a role to play the same is true at court. I am the master of whispers. I am a good actor my Lord.'' Varys offered.

"'Can you free my son from this pit?' ned spat.

'I could but will I? No. As I said I'm no hero.' Varys reminded him.

'What do you want? no riddles no stories tell me what you want?' Ned begged. "Hayley found him but... she can't get in, he's scared, he is just a kid."

''Please, do you know that your son is marching south with an army of Northman?' Varys remarked. 'fighting for his family's freedom'

'Robb, he's just a boy.' Ned muttered.

'Boys have been conquerors before but the man giving Cersei the keys is the Kingdom... the Brothers ban together with Stannis. He has the best claimed to the throne he's a battle commander and he is-''

''Renly doesn't think so.' Ned remarked.

"Robert isnt dead." Hayley reminded them.

"He might as well be my dear." Varys countered.

"He's not dead, he's not dying, he will be get better." Hayley assured. "What else did you hear from Stannis?"

"He is on his way here." Varys offered. Hayley nodded to herself. She looked to Jon, Bran and Sansa. Rickon trapped and Arya missing.

"Cersei is no fool she knows a Wolf is useful to her more alive, than a dead one.' Varys went on.

'Do you want me to serve the woman who killed my king? who butchered my men? who crippled my son?' ned questioned incredulously.

'I want you to serve the realm.' he shouted 'tell the queen you will confess your vile treason and tell your son to lay down his sword and proclaim Joffrey as the true heir that he is. Cersei knows you as a man of honor if you give her the peace she needs and promise to carry her secret to the grave I believe she will allow you to take the black and allow you to live out your days there with your bastard son.' Varys informed him.

'She is not a woman of honor." Hayley countered. "ANd whats to say she will let Rickon go? No, she could take Neds head and RIckons' chop them all off before Robert is ever cold in the ground." Hayley declared.

"It is your best hope to save little Rickon." Varys countered. "Beg for your life lord Stark."

'You think my life is some precious thing to me? That I would trade my honor for a few more years... Of what? You grew up with actors you learn the craft and you learned well.' Ned told him 'but I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago.''

"I am already dead." Hayley murmured.

''Pity,' varys said 'such a pity. what of your daughters life.... your sons life, my Lord? is that a precious thing to you?'' Hayley watched him leave. Waiting for the door to seal before turning to Ned.


"I'm going to help you save your family." Hayley informed Ned. "Because they are my family to, just trust me, can you do that?"


Hayley closed her eyes and listened among the racing heartbeats the bickering among the castle she heard Arya. Jon watched her curiously as her eyes popped open a golden hue.

"Cool." Bran whispered.

"Still as stone, quiet as a shadow, calm as still water, strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine." Aryas voice barely a whisper but Hayley heard it. "Still as stone, quiet as a shadow-" Arya repeated.

"I'm getting our girl. Dont leave." Ghost growled in protest.

"He wants to come with, to protect you." Jon corrected.

"Of course he does, but I'm faster than you honey. I dont want you getting hurt either." Hayley added petting between Ghosts ears. And just like that, she was gone.

"How did we not figure it out before?" Sansa pondered. "That Hayley was... magical."

"I saw her, the day she saved Bran." Jon remarked. Bran stared back at him. "She was right beside me and then she wasnt."

"You should really be saying fierce as a wolf." Hayley remarked and Arya jumped, full of nerves before hugging Hayley. "Come on Arya, your father has been worried about, we all have."

"They are going to kill us." Arya remarked.

"I wont let them." Hayley corrected. "I will keep you all safe, I promise."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now