57. No Happy Endings

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"Knock, knock found her." Hayley offered and Ned let out a relieved breath. 

'Seven hells! What happened to you?" Ned bent down next to arya as he looked her over. Dirt covered her body, while her eyes held concern and worry. "You know I had half my guard out searching for you?" Ned questioned. "Arya, you promised this would stop." Ned sighed.

"They said they were going to kill you." Arya proclaimed

"Who did?' ned questioned confused. His gaze shifted to Hayley. 

"I don't know. I didn't see them. But I think one was fat." Arya declared. Hayley tried to place the voice, the scent in her mind but she couldnt quite place it, didnt know what Arya had heard, she was focused on Arya's beating, pounding heart, the fear that coursed through her. 

"Oh, Arya." Ned said shaking his head.

"I'm not lying. They said you found the bastard. And the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage. Something about a savage?" Arya didn't know what any of it meant. Ned knew. Hayley could tell from Ned's even heart beat he knew. 

"Where did you hear this?" Ned questioned.

"In the dungeons. Near the dragon skulls." she said it as if it was the most obvious thing location for her to be wandering.

"What were you doing in the dungeons?" Ned gave her a scolding look.

"Chasing cats." Arya said it so calmly like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She had told him she would be chasing cats, now that ned thought about it.

"You found her." Ned rasped. 

"She is a brave girl." Hayley remarked. "She could have fought anyone off, I know that for a fact." Arya smiled softly back up at her. 

'Pardon me my Lord,' Jory said coming into Neds office, he was talking with Arya. 'there's a night watchman here saying it's urgent,' Ned nodded standing from the desk

'What's your name friend?' Ned questioned. 

"You believe me right Hayley?" Arya whispered. 

"Of course I do," hayley assured. 

'Yoren, if you please. This must be your son he's got your looks.'' Yoren remarked looking to Arya. 

'I'm a girl!' Arya exclaimed.

"A beautiful young lady, covered in dirt and dust." hayley added as she ran a hand through Arya's hair. Ned chuckled pulling his gaze from Hayley and arya. They acted like mother and daughter, Arya clung to Hayley as though she could protect her from anything. After seeing Hayley take down the mountain Ned was confident hayley could. She was a woman of mystery. 

'Did Wende send you?' Ned questioned

'No one sent me my Lord, I am here to find men for the wall see if there's any scum in the dungeons that could be used for the service,' He informed ned

'We will find recruits for you.' Ned assured.

'Thank you my Lord but... well that is not why I disturbed you. Your brother Benjen's blood runs black that makes him my brother as much as yours it is for his sake I rode here so fast and damn near killed my horse there are others riding to, the whole city will know by tomorrow.'' Yoren declared and Hayley tipped her head curiously. 

'Know what?' ned questioned cautiously.

'Best said in private my Lord.' he looked at arya, kissing the top of his daughters head Ned sent her off.

'Hayley would you mind?" Ned requested. 

"Of course, come on, you stink." Hayley wrapped an arm around Arya leaded her out, Ned waited until the door sealed. 

'Well?' Ned questioned

'It's about your wife my Lord, she has taken the imp.'' Yoren declared. Hayley faltered in her step. Before she started laughing. 

"Whats so funny?" Arya questioned. 

"Tyrion." Hayley answered simply. 

"The imp?" Arya questioned confused. 

"He's gotten into a bit of trouble I think."


Ned couldnt sleep that night he didnt know what Catelyn was thinking. Why she would do such a thing. What purpose would Tyrion have to kill Bran? Surely he knew that Bran was headed south. And why Tyrion? Surely he didnt have the strength to push Bran if that was what Catelyn thought. 

He needed some good in his life and although Hayley's chambers were empty he heard her voice echoing from Bran's room only to see all the children piled up in Brans bed, Jon included. Ned liked that everyone was getting along, Sansa too. Shireen, Stannis daughter was at the bottom of the bed beside Hayley. 

"I dont like fairy tales, not the ones we are all told." Hayley was telling the kids as ned came in silently. "What if, now hear me out, what if prince charming poisoned sleeping beauty because she rejected him a moment before?"

"What?" Sansa shrieked. 

"And what if fairytales don't have happy endings.... What if they end up in war?"

"Dont ruin sleeping beauty!" Sansa begged. 

"Ruin another!" Arya challenged. 

"They say snow white was charmed by the sorceress but what if she checked the apple beforehand? Just to make sure those dwarves didn't get it." Hayley pondered and Shrieen smiled giddy that she got to be included that Hayley had asked for her to come. Shireens mother kept her hidden away much like Rapunzel, never seen or heard but Hayley wanted her to see the world. "Maybe she's not so evil."

"Sansa's brain looks like it is about to explode!" Rickon declared. 

"And I guess the beast ended up alright in the end but what if the enchantress messed with their heads? Maybe she made them all hate him, what if he was always kind and it was just their state of mind? What if the bad guy wasn't the bad guy?" Hayley offered. 

"So you can make all the girlie stories scary!" Bran decided. 

"What if the hero wasn't really good? What if the damsel in distress was living her life and the prince took her away from the one she loved?" Hayley offered looking to Sansa and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "And what if fairytales don't have happy endings.... just food for thought." 

"Father did you hear that?" Bran questioned. 

"I did, Hayley certainly has an active imagination." Ned agreed. 

"Do you know what all those stories have in common and that is the one thing, I do agree with." Hayley added as she got off the bed. 

"True loves kiss!" Sansa declared proudly. 

"True loves kiss." Hayley agreed looking to Ned. "Solves all problems."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now