25. Witches Coven

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Ned saw Hayley down the hall and raced to catch up with her though. Her nose seemed to lead her Ned thought as she walked with purpose towards the kitchens.

He knew he shouldnt have been chasing after Hayley, he was the lord of winterfell but she was a woman worth chasing after.

Hayley peered around the kitchen. She had eaten the most wonderful apple pie last night and she thought that was how she needed to start her day.

"Apple pie come to mama." Hayley declared pulling it towards her. She stabbed her fork into it and lifted it up to her lips. She could smell the goodness as it almost touched her lips.

"Put that down right now". Ned instructed

"I can do no such thing". Hayley corrected. "These mini apple pies are mine".

"You will thank me." ned corrected taking it from her, her mouth still hung open about to take a bite.

"Rude. We had a nice night talking and this is how you treat a woman after that?" Hayley mused but he melted caramel and heated the pies then Hayley sighed happily breathing it in. Ned smiled back at her while drizzling it over.

"You are no longer rude but a wonderful genius." Hayley declared.

" Hayley declared

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"Thank you." Ned agreed with a smirk. Hayley was like a gem of the Baratheons. No one understood what the hell happened but Ned was sure glad that she was here. Helping him pass the time. 

He was glad to be going to the capital the more time he spent with Hayley. He wanted to take Bran and Rickon with too seeing how much the boys already liked her. A smile curved her lips a moan in her mouth had Ned staring shamelessly at Hayley

"Heaven." Hayley agreed.

He watched as her tongue poked out from between her teeth and licked the caramel from her lips.

"You are staring Stark." Hayley remarked. Ned looked away embarrassed. "No. Dont stop." She assured taking another bite. "I like your eyes on me."


"Sansa's work is as pretty as she is," Septa Mordane had told catelyn constantly. "She has such fine, delicate hands."

When Catelyn had asked about Arya, the septa had sniffed though. As though Arya was something to be ashamed of.

"Arya has the hands of a blacksmith." The septa had said with distaste.

Now that the royal family was here the septas attention was not on Arya. Septa mordane was gushing over Mycella. the septa was paying her no attention today or any day for the foreseeable future if the royals were here. That was one good thing about them. Why would anyone look twice at Arya after all she was a lady with blacksmith hands. Not a princess or perfect sansa.

"Knitting circle..." hayley mused and Arya smiled sitting up straight. "You dont seem like the type to sit still and look pretty."

"I hate this. Its a bore." Arya agreed.

The septa was sitting with the Princess Myrcella, all smiles and admiration. It was not often that the septa was privileged to instruct a royal princess in the womanly arts, as she had said when the queen brought Myrcella to join them.

"Grandma! Grandma!" Mycella declared and Hayley crouched between Arya and Mycella.

"Well isnt that the prettiest..." hayley stopped herself before leaning into Arya. "What are you stitching?"

"I dont even fucking know." Arya murmured. Hayley nodded tipping her head into Mycella.

"So pretty." Hayley assured. "But just... how would you explain it? Like... what do you call such a masterpiece?" Mycella laughed out.

Mycella was younger then Arya but apparently she had marvelous stitching. Arya peered over to Mycellas work. Arya thought that Myrcella's stitches looked a little crooked too, but you would never know it from the way Septa Mordane was cooing and doting over the princess. Arya looked to Hayley and she winked back at Arya as Mycella explained it was a lion.

"See the mane? And the nose? And well its not finished yet." Mycella remarked.

"Beautiful. I see it. I see it! Yeah and thats the ear!" Hayley agreed.

"No grandma thats the tail!" Mycella laughed out.

"Ear tail same difference." Hayley offered.

Arya studied her own work again, looking for some way to salvage it, then sighed and put down the needle. It was hopeless. She was hopeless. She would never be a perfect little lady so why was she bothering? She looked glumly at her sister. Sansa was chatting away happily as she worked.

"Knitting is busy work. I survived this long without it." Hayley remarked.

Sansas best of friends Jeyne Poole was leaning over to whisper something in sansas ear. Arya watched them both gush and blush in a fit of giggles as they worked.

"What are you talking about?" Arya asked suddenly unable to hide her intrigue. Jeyne gave her a startled look forgetting Arya was even there. She ran off most lessons before Jeyne looked to sansa, then giggled. Sansa looked embarrassed. No one answered.

"Tell me," Arya begged and Hayley looked between the girls, it looked like a fucking witches coven. Jeyne glanced over to make certain that Septa Mordane was not listening. Myrcella said something then, and the septa laughed along with the rest of the ladies. Arya figured it was something stupid. But whatever to impress the princess and royal family. Arya looked to Sansa again. Then Sansa looked to Hayley catching her watching them as well. 

"Dont mind me, I like gossip." Hayley offered.

"We were talking about the prince."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now