5. Brothers

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Following the Sack of King's Landing and the surrender of the Tyrells at Storm's End, the new king, Robert Baratheon, charged his brother Stannis with building a new royal fleet to seize the island of Dragonstone, the last stronghold in the possession of House Targaryen. A fierce storm destroyed the Targaryen fleet which had been protecting the island, while Dowager Queen Rhaella Targaryen died in labor at the castle of Dragonstone. Targaryen loyalists smuggled the two Targaryen children, Viserys and Daenerys, from the island before Stannis's assault on Dragonstone.

Hayley was reading up on her Targaryen, Baratheon history on their journey to Storms End

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Hayley was reading up on her Targaryen, Baratheon history on their journey to Storms End. Shireen was coming with. She was so excited. Selyse as well but it was only to stay on her husbands good side.

"Robert blamed you for letting the Targaryen heirs escape, although, it seems to me the two children were long gone before you ever got there." Hayley declared.

"Yes." Stannis agreed.

"You boys did need a mother." Hayley agreed.

Stannis was displeased to say the least, to discover that Robert had named him Lord of Dragonstone, instead of the wealthier Storm's End, which was given to their younger brother Renly, who was only a young child at the time.

Hayley looked to Renly and he did seem very young compared to her elder boys. Yes, Hayley was starting to think of them as her boys. It was strange even to herself.

Stannis resented Robert and believed it to be an intentional slight, but Robert had not necessarily meant it as such.

"Robert." He came to attention as Hayley spoke, that was another thing she liked. She got respect here. She was the mother of the King.

"Tell me what you were thinking when you named your brothers... gave them their holdings." Hayley offered. Stannis hissed a breath. "Dragonstone is impressive." Hayley whispered to stannis. "Love it." she assured.

The castle had traditionally been the seat of the heir to the Iron Throne, the Prince of Dragonstone, during most of the Targaryen dynasty, so the then-childless Robert was granting it to his heir at that time, Stannis.

Now the Lord of Dragonstone, Stannis became the head of House Baratheon of Dragonstone.

"Royalty." Robert declared. "It was not out of spite. Dragonstone was the home of mothers ancestors. Targaryen's. Renly was a kid. He still is a kid." Robert remarked as Hayley hugged Renly to her.

"I'm not a kid." Renly corrected.

"Says the man child clinging to mother." Robert corrected. Hayley pressed a kiss to Renly's forehead.

"Yet you are jealous of this." Renly declared as Robert watched them. "Ha!"

"No fighting." Hayley begged running a hand down Renlys back.

"Dragonstone is a whole castle, farther away, sure storms end was our family more wealth but you," Robert stopped himself.

"Speak from the heart!" Hayley declared.

"You had it all together Stannis." Robert declared. "I knew you could do this, be the leader... you were always good at it."

"If only Klaus and Elijah had this talk sooner... didnt wait a million years maybe I could have seen their happy ending." Hayley whispered.

"Who?" Renly questioned.

"No one anymore." Hayley offered.


It wasnt that Ned and Catelyn were not getting along. They were not, not getting along. They were fine. They were great. They were not great. They were tolerating each other.

Catelyn did never quite forgive Ned for the affair the bastard he brought back but they tried to get along at least be civil in public, it was so early in their marriage both boys about the same age, within the same year... it hurt her, that her husband was unfaithful so soon and to man up and take the bastard child in as his own. What happened to that was never me, I never touched that whore? A baby no, I have a wife that bastard is not mine. Why was he so honorable? Catelyn had thought bitterly. Their marriage never stood a chance. But they tried and tried and Ned was charming and handsome and so perfect.

Catelyn could push Jon away and pretend things were fine but as the kids grew up Jon was harder to avoid. And her boys of course loved him. Tragic.

'Lord Stark... Mi'lady, the guardsmen just rode in from the hills they caught a deserter from the nights watch.'

'Get the lads to settle their horses.' Ned told Theon and he headed off.

'Do you have to?' Catelyn asked incredulously

'He swore an oath Catelyn.' Ned reminded her.

'The laws, the law mi'lady.'

'Tell Bran he is coming to.' ned added.

'Ned. 10 is too young to see such things.' Catelyn informed him.

'He won't be a boy forever,' Ned reminded her, 'and winter is coming.' He said walking off. He saw the boys in the courtyard. Bran failed to shot an arrow yet again properly at the target. Bran shot and missed. Bran didn't have the knack for archery, or swords, or anything really besides climbing he was an excellent climber.

'Go on fathers watching.' Jon told him and they looked up to the balcony to see Ned and Catelyn looking down at them. 'and your mother.' Jon added. Bran pulled back the bow but he missed it went flying into the trees. The boys laughed while Jon got him another arrow.

'Which one of you as a marksman at 10?' Ned called down and their laughter silenced 'Go on.' Ned said watching them.

'don't think too much.' Jon told Bran adjusting his grip.

'Relax your bow arm.' Robb told him and Jon pushed down his elbow, guiding his hand back, a arrow hit the target but it wasn't from Bran's bow Arya stood behind victoriously bran chased after her. a laugh escaped Ned's lips as he watched them. His children were the one good thing that came out of his useless marriage it seemed as Catelyn scowled at him as she passed.

But at least the children got along. At least the boys acted as brothers. That was one thing Ned was extremely grateful for.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now