53. Remind Me

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"And this is my sister Margaery." Loras introduced.

"An honor to meet you, my lady." Margaery answered with her best curtsey. "Might I say how beautiful you are."

"Kiss ass, I like her." Hayley remarked sticking out a hand. "I dont curtsy." she added shaking Margaery's hand.

"My Margaery wants to be queen one day." Olenna remarked. "And she thinks kissing the kings mothers ass will get her an in."

"Well I like you better than Cersei, so sure. Whatever I can do to help but... a pretty thing like you wants my Robert? He's sweet and cuddly like a teddy bear but... well," Hayley waved a hand up and down Margaery and she feigned a blush as though she didnt know how beautiful she truly was. "I love my boys but you could do better."

"But to be queen." Margaery purred. Mace cleared his throat. 

"Oh yes and my unfortunate son, Mace." Olenna grumbled. 

"Unfortunate?" Hayley mused. "How unfortunate to meet you then." she teased and Olenna cackled out. 

"Oh my dear girl," Olenna pat her arm lovingly. 

"Ah Lord Stark." Renly declared. 

"What you boy up to?" Hayley pondered. 

"Lord Stark, this is Lady Olenna Tyrell and Loras sister, the beautiful Lady Margaery." Renly introduced. 

"Pleasure to meet you both." Ned answered. 

"Just a random question," Renly went on. 

"Super random." Loras agreed. 

"What are you two doing?" Hayley hissed. 

"But do you think Margaery looks like Lyanna?" Loras pondered. Ned was puzzled by this. Hayley slapped them both over the back of the head Olenna laughed out. 

"Lady Margaery looks nothing like my sister Lyanna." Ned corrected. 

"Excuse them." Hayley pulled them aside, "What the fuck was that?" 

"We want Robert to take Margaery, as his new queen and if Margaery looks like Lyanna it would make the plan easier." Loras offered. 

"Hell boys, thats mean and his sister is a sore spot. Don't bring her up again." Hayley demanded. 

"Sorry Mum." Renly whispered. 


"Oh fuck it." Hayley muttered knocking over the ink pot. Jon peered in knocking slightly on the door. "I hate this way of communicating." Hayley informed him. "Write the letter, with ink and then seal it with wax and then strap it to a damn raven. I mean where is text messages, email hell even instant messages on facebook- God I thought that facebook was extinct this is really extinct." She murmured.

"Would you like me to help?" Jon offered.

"Yes!" Hayley declared moving aside. "I'm trying to write to Stannis- I also don't have addresses and don't know how to tell a raven an address so I'm hoping they can figure it out." Hayley offered ignorantly.

"The maesters tend to the ravens." Jon assured. "Who are you writing to again? I couldnt focus after thinking of you trying to tell a raven directions." Jon answered honestly. 

"Ha, ha, thank you... Stannis, he's on dragonstone. I know that much." Hayley informed him.

"Yes Stannis," Jon agreed. "What would you like to say?" He dipped the quill in the ink tapping it gently on the pot as he looked to Hayley.

"Something along the lines of.... Hey its your mother and I'm back from the frozen north. Come to the capital and bring your daughter but leave your bitchy wife at home. XOXO Hayley." she said with a grin.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now