15. The Alpha

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Ghost came running up to Hayley went they got out of the crypts. Robert huffed a breath but then Ghost jumped up on her and Robet was furious. Shouting get that beast away from his mother. Ned took a step forward to get Jon's wolf, Ghost off of Hayley but she laughed as Ghost gave her a big wet kiss along her cheek.

"I love wolves." Hayley reminded Robert.

"JON!" Ned declared.

"Hey handsome, look at you." Hayley declared as Ghost jumped down, his white fluffy tail wagging, a happy pant on his tongue as he stared up at her.

"Wolves are you not pets, Ned." Robert muttered. "He could have eaten her face off."

"I would have liked to see him try." Hayley countered confidently. Ned loved that confidence.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry your grace, my lady." Jon declared running up to them.

"This is your handsome pup?" Hayley pondered.

"Yes my lady." Jon answered. "Ghost."

"Handsome wolf." Hayley praised as she knelt in the snow running a hand through his fur. Nymeria came bounding up next. Shaggy dog behind her. "Well, you have a whole pack. I should have known." Hayley remarked looking to the wolf stitched into Ned's cloak, still wrapped around her.

"Thats Nymeria and thats shaggy dog." Jon introduced.

"Wolves." Hayley chuckled. "A pet wolf."

"Dire wolves my lady." Jon remarked.

"Dire wolves." Hayley repeated.

"Fierce beasts." Robert remarked. "Be careful mum."

"Gentle beasts." Hayley corrected as Shaggy dog shook the snow from himself and rubbed up against Hayleys back. "Of course anything can be dangerous, if provoked." she added kissing their long snouts. Jon tried to stilfe a laugh but failed, Hayley met his gaze.

"You get on great with them." Jon offered.

"I suppose you could say I have a bond with wolves." Hayley agreed.

"Lady Stark still hates them." Jon added before he could silence himself.

"Oh, Ned." Hayley tsked. "I dont like either of your wives. Cersei is well Cersei and Catelyn doesnt like wolves? What kind of psychopath wouldnt like these cuties?" Hayley declared as Arya ran up.

"Nymeria is mine. Isnt she so well behaved, lady Hayley?" Arya questioned.

"She is." Hayley agreed. "And just Hayley is fine."

"Okay just Hayley." Arya agreed and Ned was going to correct her, worried at how Hayleys temperament was but Hayley laughed.

"Cheeky thing you are." Hayley remarked as she got up. "Go on impress me." Arya nodded getting Nymerias attention.

"Nymeria sit." she sat. Hayley gave a little nod when Arya looked to her before turning back to Nymeria. "Nymeria lay down." Arya waited impatiently. "Nymeria, lay down." Arya demanded. "Lay down... you are making me look bad." Arya whined.

"You need to show them that you are the alpha." Hayley remarked as Nymeria got up, tail wagging. Jon watched them silently as Grey wind came up. "How many wolves do you have?"

"One for each of my children." Ned remarked. Hayley looked to Jon again.

"I should have known you were a stark. You have your fathers good looks." Hayley remarked.

"I'm not a stark." Jon corrected.

"I thought Ghost was yours?" Hayley countered confused.

"He's a bastard mother." Robert remarked.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now