The interview

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"Shit Shit Shit" I say as I hurry down the street towards the tall extravagant building filled with glass windows.

My first actual important job interview and I'm already late.

Today is really not my day. First- I woke up 20 minutes after my 15 alarms went off. Then, after finally waking up, I ran to the bathroom to take the fastest shower in history, only to realize there was no more hot water left. My roommate had probably used all of it before going to work.

Damn you Emily and your 1 hour showers.

After picking up the courage to go under the ice cold water and wash my hair as fast as possible, I got dressed with the first things I saw when I opened my closet.

Simple dark jeans and a green crochet sweater I made a couple of months ago. Not really the outfit you want to take to a professional business interview with one of the top best clothing companies in the United States and Europe- but at that point I would rather at least be there than not be there at all.

If that part of the morning hadn't been bad enough, after I left my crappy apartment building, I ran to the nearest subway entrance and got on the train- only to have an old man sit next to me and try to get a hand under my sweater.

Yup-that was definitely the cherry on top. 'Move to New York City' they said. 'It will be so much fun' they said.

And now, I'm standing outside the doors of the building, staring at the sign that says "Hayrem's"

Well at least I got the address right. 10 points for Gryffindor!

I go through the doors only to be immediately stopped by security.

"Miss- can we please see your company id?" The man says with a serious expression.

"I-mm I don't have one. I'm here for the assistant job interview? I applied a couple of months ago and I just got the reply yesterday to come and-"

"If you don't have a company id I'm afraid you're going to have to go." He grabs my arm and starts directing me back to the entrance.

"But sir I'm serious. I'm already super late. I-I can show you the email-"

"Andrews, let her go." We come to a stop and I turn around to see who has managed to stop this ugly beast of a 6'3 man with only 4 words. I'm met with a tiny old lady wearing a long white dress with extravagant pearls on her neck and ears. With her gray hair and wrinkles I would probably put her at around the age of 57.

"I can take it from here Sebastian-nothing to worry about." She gives beast guy a kind smile and he quickly lets me go.

She looks me up and down and gives me another one of her smiles.
"You said you were here for the assistant job interview?"

"Yes- I'm a bit late but I hope I still have time. This morning has been crazy."

"Oh is alright, we all have bad days. And in a city like this, a bit of chaos shouldn't come as a surprise. Come along sweetheart, let me look you up in the system and you will be on your way."

I follow her towards the counter and wait for her to do her quick research. Once she finds me, she looks up at me and laughs.

"Oh my but a little late is not this. Dear, you're an hour late! I don't know if they will let this one go. Let me make a quick call and see if they still have time to see you. "

I smile awkwardly and pray to every single god in this universe that I still have a chance.

"Good morning Miss Rochefort. I have a dear Angela-" she makes a pause and looks at her computer screen once more
"-Russo who's here for the assistant job interview. Yes...yes. I will send her right up. Thank you."

Forbidden Lovingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें