Chapter 16: Lights, Camera, Action!

Start from the beginning

Chase led him over to the other side of the studio. Taehyun took note of the multiple Yuka members occupying the area, each person holding two guns.

As the two kept walking, Taehyun noticed another figure up ahead.

Chase smirked as Taehyun's eyes slowly began to widen. He let go of Taehyun as he walked over to the figure.

"Y/N?" Taehyun mumbled. Her body was standing up with her arms tied above her head, the rope attached to pole above her. A rag was tied around her mouth. He noticed the dried blood staining the left side of her face. She was out cold.

"What did you do to her?" Taehyun asked, getting angry.

Chase looked up at Y/N. "Don't worry about her, poor thing just hit her head." He said looking back at Taehyun, a wicked smirk creeping onto his lips.

Taehyun held the object he picked up earlier tighter in his hand to keep himself calm.

"I told you earlier you shouldn't resist." He gestured to Y/N. "Attack me or anyone else here and I'll have a bullet put through her skull."

Taehyun glared at him. "Is that why you have two guns? One for me and one for her?"

"Ah so you've been paying attention." Chase said walking closer to Y/N. "Since I can't kill you yet each person was given a regular gun along with tranquilizer gun in case you decide to escape."

"How could I? My wrists are tied together." Taehyun sassed.

"Oh please you and I both know you're more than capable of weaseling your way out of any situation." Chase said looking back at him.

Taehyun felt around the object he had in his hand. It was small pin probably left by the production crew. He started to maneuver it to where the lock was.

He looked back at Y/N who was still unconscious, her head slightly slumped to the right.

Chase took notice of this. "My it's such a shame I'll probably have to kill her." He said looking back at Y/N. "You know I did enjoy our dance together."

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "She didn't enjoy her time with you." He snapped back.

Chase smiled at her. "Oh I'm sure she did."

Taehyun's sharp eyes kept on him as he continued moving the pin to the lock. "So what is this thing you need from me?"

"I told you to have patience didn't I?" Chase said getting annoyed.

"I didn't listen. Now tell me!" Taehyun shouted.

Two guys perked their heads up upon hearing Taehyun's yelling.

Chase held his hand out to keep the guys back. He walked over to Taehyun.

Y/N slowly began to wake up. Her head was pounding but she blocked out the pain. Her eyes adjusted to the brightness.

'Taehyun...?' She thought to herself. Her eyes widened seeing that he was alive.

Taehyun glared at Chase. "Back off."

"Oh I don't think so." He said pulling out a gun and pointing it at Y/N. He didn't break eye contact with Taehyun. "I think you're forgetting her life is in my hands."

Taehyun looked at him then Y/N. His eyes opened a little more seeing she was now awake.

"Y/N!" He called making Chase snap his head in her direction.

Y/N shook her head and managed to get the cloth off her mouth. "Taehyun! What's going on!?" She said trying to get her hands free. She looked down. "Chase?"

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