He slowed the vespa to a stop in front of the 7 foot troll and put the break on. He sat on a pile of rocks, holding the stone in his hand like a classic fairytale villain.

"Can I do it?" I hesitantly asked.

"Be my guest." Jim tried to keep his voice steady.
We both stood up from the scooter and stepped towards the troll. My heart raced as I stood in front of Angor. I looked at his every detail and slowly reached for the gem in his hand.

With the amount of anxiety I had, I couldn't think of why I would offer to grab the damn killstone myself. 'He's not going to move... He's not going to move...' I repeated to myself. My hand was practically hovering over the gem, but my eyes were locked onto Angor's eyes.

He was frozen, but a small part of me was worried he could see me and was just waiting for me to grab the gem. Letting out the air I was holding in I quickly retreated back to Jim.
"Okay I can't do it, I can't do it!" I panicked.

"Alright then..." He stepped towards the troll feeling uneasy. "Okay okay..." He cleared his throat. He waved his hand in front of Angor's eyes while still whispering the same word to himself repeatedly. With a bit of force he wedged the gem out of his fingers and headed back to me.

Keeping my eyes on Angor, Jim climbed back onto his vespa and started it up again.
"Phoenix, come on."
Before I could turn away from the troll, his eyes slowly moved upwards in our direction and Jim let out a soft gasp as a water droplet hit the scooters light.

The sound of both our timers alerted us into fight or flight mode as we looked at our phones. Angor's growl was suddenly heard all throughout the sewer tunnels as I briefly covered my ears.

Jim let out a scream as Angor stepped in front of us.


"Gimme the ring! Gimme the ring!"
I fumbled to hand him the ring in a panic. Before I could even hand it to him, Angor Rot fired an energy of dark shadow magic at us, sending Jim and I tumbling backwards.

"Ow! Holy hell!" I yelped as I rolled off my swords handle. I looked back up to see Angor swiftly making his way towards us and Jim let out another scream.

"You dare try to control me?" The trolls raspy voice roared.

"For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!" Jim's armor appeared around him and lit up the entire tunnel in blue light as he and I both stood back up.

Raising his hand, he forgot once again that daylight was no longer his to command and Angor summoned the sword into his own hands.
"Give me the ring!"

"Okay okay! We can just put the sword down and we-" Jim tosses me out of the way as Angor started to swing the blade in every direction towards us.

"Did you just try reasoning with him!?" Jim asked as we both fumbled back and forth, trying to grab the ring while trying to avoid Angor's attacks.

"It's a habit!"

"A habit of what!? Getting yourself killed!?" Jim landed stomach first onto the ground and reached for the ring, Angor raised the sword and charged right at Jim.

Jim rolled out of the way, and Angor broke open the ring that held his soul. A desaturated, wispy yellow orb flew out of the ring. I pulled Jim off the ground while trying to quietly get us back to his vespa.

Picking up his vespa, Jim and I sit back on it as he struggles to start it up. After being tossed aside with magic, I was sure it wouldn't start.

"I'll kill you!" Angor's voice rang out and the scooter started, allowing us to make our escape. As if with no energy, Angor quickly caught up to us.

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora