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I walked into class monday morning and my math teacher said "see me after class." My heart jumped in my throat. I'm never in trouble. When class ended I slowly treaded to her desk and she got up handed me a fanta soda then left. There was a note attached. "I think your Fanta-Stic." I read aloud. Walking to period two it's the same thing. This time though I got a stuffed alligator toy wearing spy glasses and it had on a vest. The note read "what do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator." I broke out into laughter at this cute corny note. I practically ran to period three. Science. We are taking notes and I thought about what I am getting for this period. When the bell rang my teacher handed me a bunchw of straws tied into a heart. This note read "your Ex-straw-dinary."
I giggled and left to info to intro tech. We had a sub and she almost forgot. "Excuse me?"
"Do you have something for me?"
"Are you Eden?"
I nodded and she gets up and hands me a photograph. Now I know who's doing all this. It is a photo at the steak & shake when the purple haired girl blocks me from going to the table. James might have taken a photo and edited it because all the other people are like blurs but me I look nice. The note at the bottom said "all these legs and I still fall for you."
And I fall for you James.
I walked into period five and the teacher smiled at me and changed her whole english lessons to talk about famous love books and movies throughout history. "Romeo and Juliet!" Someone called out. "Paris and Helena." Someone else said. "The people from the notebook!" The classroom burst into giggles and the teacher said "settle down class."
"Love is everywhere and even if you guys think you aren't I'm sure you have fallen."
The bell rang and the kids ran off to lunch but I went to my teachers desk. She handed me a bag of kisses chocolate and the note read "I want to kiss you." I giggled and so did my teacher. At lunch I sit with Matthews and he seems a bit down. "What's wrong?"
Remember the junior?"
I nodded. "She has a boyfriend." He lay his head on my shoulder and stared into the distance. "I invited Jessica to sit with us."
He gasped dramatically. "Here she comes now. Be nice!" I growled. "Hi Eden,Matthew. "Hello how are you?" Matthew asked.
"Fine." She replied. He frowned. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing I said fine."
"That's a load of bull there's sadness in that fine." She shrugged and he continued to study her. After a while he lay down on my shoulder and started to sigh dramatically.
"What's wrong?" Jessica asked. "Oh nothing." He was quiet for a moment then he said "if you tell me I'll tell you."
"Rejection." She sighed
"Rejection." he repeated sighing to.
She laughed a bitter sound. "Was it some girl three years older than you?"
"Was it some boy two years older than you?"
Jessica stood up clearly angry. "I'm not a child. I'm sixteen your eighteen. It's ridiculous to think your any better than me." With that she turned away. "I kinda wished she stayed." Matthew whined. The bell rang and I got up to head to period six. "You better pay attention." Mr.Milliken said. "I always pay attention sir."
"Since when? Just kidding you know I have mad love for ya."
When the bell rang Mr.Milliken dropped a bag of my favorite brand of coffee grind in my hand. The note said "I can't expresso how much I like you. Let's just say a latte."
I looked up. "Isn't he the cutest?"
"No,no he isn't."
I stuck my tongue out. "Your just jealous."

Mrs.Sarkozy snapped on me as soon as I entered the class. "You better pay good attention or your not getting it."
I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking and walked to my seat. The hour didn't go by fast so I'm sitting here tapping my leg. Finally the bell did ring and I jumped up and hurried to Mrs.Sarkozy's desk. "Don't rush me." She snapped. Ughhhhh I waited about three minutes then she handed me a pizza box. Aww he remembered. I read the note aloud. "This may sound cheesy but you stole a pizza my heart-"
"Will you go out with me?" I look up to see James come out the backroom. I honestly look like crap and yet he is still looking at me like I'm priceless. I nodded speechless and he came over and kissed me. "Now can your lips make me breathless?"
"Now my lips can make you breathless."

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