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My phone rings as I'm looking at a gorgeous white linen swim cover-up that reminds me of Alden's yacht shirt. It has two strings with frayed ends and a beautiful lace along the bottom hem. Alden needed to stop at the post office on our way back to the apartment, so I wandered in here.

"Carter, I saw an octopus!" I cry when I answer.

I haven't been able to stop gushing since we stepped out of the water. I think Alden is fed up with me already, but now I have new ears that have to listen to me; new ears that can judge me but have to love me anyway. Siblings are the best—and the worst.

"No wonder I haven't heard from you. Not even a measly text."

"I texted you when I landed."

"I expected more of a wow, this place is amazing and you're the best big brother to ever grace the planet type of text, but I'll settle for hearing about your snorkeling."

"Snubaing," I correct him condescendingly as I slowly make my way around the store.

"Sorry, snubaing. Already talking down to us mere little people."

"Alden does everything better."

"Oh," Carter says. I can't tell if it's a statement or a question. His voice hints of something I can't quite put my finger on. "I forgot he was thinking about meeting me. So... he showed up?"

Maybe it's hesitancy, like he's trying to keep his voice even.

"Some work thing," I say a little too quickly.

Jesus, I need to chill out. There is zero reason that I should be acting defensive or like I'm lying. Carter has nothing to worry about. Alden and I won't be touching again after our cringeworthy mishap.

"Work and lots of play," Carter quips. "He took you snubaing?"

"Yeah. I had to kayak there, which sucked. But I got to see an eel and hold a starfish, which completely made up for it. There were so many fish, all bright and colorful. Oh! And I almost stepped on a flounder."

"To think that could've been me. I'm glad you're having fun, but it wouldn't have killed me to hear that you stepped on a sea urchin." Carter is smiling. I can hear it. "Is Alden staying?"

My eye catches on a thong swimsuit on a wooden hanger. It's hot pink with rings on the hips and a ring in between the cups of the top piece. I reach out and grab one of the rings as I admire it. I let my hand fall. I could never actually wear it, even if it's pretty.

"I think so. He wants to force me to have fun." I try not to overthink when I follow with, "Is that okay?"

Carter has dibs on Alden, of course. I should ask his permission, right? With the life rules and social norms or whatever. I walk back to the linen dress and hold it up to my body in the mirror.

"Yeah," he says casually. A little too casually.

I wonder if he's already spoken with Alden from the way he says it because it makes me feel as though I'm missing something. I flip the price tag over and try not to squawk out loud. I put it back where it belongs, which is definitely not in my closet for that price.

Carter keeps on blabbering. "At least you won't be alone now. I'm sure you're happy about that. And I know you're too busy to care, but Jess is a great caretaker by the way."

"I'm glad. I don't want to have to help you scratch under your sweaty, smelly cast and listen to you complain about the way I load the dishwasher."

"You put the plates in the wrong way."

"That's a matter of opinion," I retort. "And I don't know why you're complaining in the first place when I'm doing your dishes—right or wrong." I spin around and see Alden watching me from the window. His smile turns up slowly. I smile back. "Alden just got back from his work errand. Did you know he works?" I wonder if Carter can hear the smile in my voice like I could in his. I need to figure out how to not smile when I talk about him.

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