im so fucking proud of you

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*auggie walks away and goes to the beach since she has no where else to go and she goes to her and jjs spot*

"are you guys kidding me? kie you know damn well that auggie would never do something like that and pope you have always been a shitty friend so i don't even know why we still talk to me and john b... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT??"-sarah

"your right omg someone go find her im dealing with pope"-kie

"and jj you know that auggie didn't do anything your just scared about the fact someone said it out loud"-sarah says placing her hand on jjs shoulder to comfort him

*jj looks at sarah knowing she's right*

"thank you sarah im going to go find her but first what did you guys even say to her i was not listening"-jj

"uhm you don't wnat to know right now you'll flip i'll tell you later when we aren't doing something important"-sarah

"now go find auggie please"-sarah

"you don't have to tell me twice"-jj says walking out the house crying

*jj starts walking towards their spot and he sees auggie and jj is still crying like still sobbing*

"w-we haven't been here i-in a minut-e have we?"-jj says crying

*auggie sees jj and runs up to him and hugs him tightly*

"i am so sorry auggie i know you didn't do it it's just scared me to even think about it i'm so sorry i love you"-jj says crying

"j- jj im so glad your here"-auggie says also crying

*jj squeezes her body closer and doesn't let go he doesn't want her body to leave his ever again*

"i am so tired of people thinking they can use you as a toy "-jj says upset

"yea i know but i'm okay see i'm here and i'm good"-auggie says pulling away from jj making him look at her then pulling him back in to hug him again

"i don't want to go home"-a

"we can go to mine i mean it's a piece of shit but at least there's no one there"-jj

"i love your house let's go there"-auggie says looking up at jj smiling

"you're so cute"-jj

"you're so cute"-auggie says putting her hands on jjs face a kissing him

*they go back to jjs house and are sitting on the couch watching tv

"what did they say to you"-jj


"the group i wasn't listening i was in my head"-jj

"well kie was yelling and said "if you want to be a slut and cheat on your boyfriend go ahead" sarah didn't say anything the whole time and john b kept calling me a slut and said "why don't i rape you like rafe did what? 2 times?" something like that then i begged kie to listen to me and then she said "are you really that horny" just stuff like that nothing major"-a

"nothi-nothing major? auggie john b said that to you?"-jj

"yea but don't worry about it jj it's fine i promise you"-a

"i don't care if you think it's okay it's not okay i'm gonna talk to him"-jj

"oh please jj everytime you say your going to "talk to someone" you end up kicking there ass"-auggie

"yea but john b is like a brother to me but yea i would kick his ass for you"-jj

"well i don't wnat you too you love him too much"-auggie

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